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San Antonio Speedway Late ModelChampion?


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Guest hotstepr

Well with the info handed to him gift wrapped and the info was accurate as it was who could have blammed him for not taking and doing a protest. This was a good gamble

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I agree, There are not going to put an Astric* by his name on any of the NASCAR PR saying that he won on a protest.


They may have an * for BACK to BACK Championships


How many have won BACK to BACK? Brandon, Larry, Jason Oates, Breiten? Not a bad list to be part of.

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Guest hotstepr

Well said i agree but Bendele had 7000 reasons to run with the info but as you know as well as I do Gun who gave the info to Bendele and to top it off he did not even put up the money all he had to do is protest and with that in mind at the time he had nothing to lose

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No I do not know who gave him the info.I have heard rumors. But I will refuse to believe certain things. If you know share it with all of us please.

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I think your wrong on who you think it is, does not matter anyway I am a close friend I know what went on Because I believe what larry tells me, and I will not comment further. as for me end of discussion, but glad to chat with ya see you at the races. Matthew Gunar Howell

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As they say it ain't cheatin' its tryin. He tried hard for 6 1/2 months. He was cheatin' on one night in September. As far as tryin' to bust Matt's chops, hotstepr, who are you. Matt trying to talk to you about something in private isn't questionable. You throwing out all these "facts" on a public forum without backing them up with the whole story or your name is questionable.

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Maybe next year they should tech like this every racing weekend and they can always stay out till 2:00 AM and we can have another last night of racing to determine the championship. Also quit having burn outs and putting the fans in danger, they should fine racers when they don't come in right away, when he is black flagged for a piece of something hanging from there car, they put everyone in danger at that point. This is a dangerous sport, let's just put an end to it all. Where can one purchase a drilled out shaft, or other illegal parts, or a manual just in case if I ever start racing. I won't tell, unless I'm not the one going to win the championship.

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a drilled shaft does make a diff. Less rotating weight. I would have done the same thing. Get him where it hurts the most. The last nite championship on the line,he win championship, protest, when he is high on winning the championship [edited by Nick Holt, 9/22/04] bring him back down to reality. HE CHEATED. HE is DQed. YOU WIN.



enought said

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colgate you took the words right out of my mouth, why do it when you first find out and let him recover from it, hit him when it counts.............as far as the hollowed out shaft it cuts down on your rotating mass which always helps, he should have capped the ends and he probably would have got away with it..........as far as doing away with the burnouts, i have to agree.............my kid has asthma and all that smoke from the burnouts really doesn't help.........they should do it like the old days and let the winner have a victory lap with the checkered flag.............jmo

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Guest hotstepr

[Edited out by Nick Holt, 9/22/04] I can say one thing is for sure Cole was only beat by Bendele by 2-points and for this being his first year out in late model he sure did put a good size dent. [deleted by Nick Holt. 9/22/04]

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[Edited out by Nick Holt, 9/22/04]. I can say one thing is for sure Cole was only beat by Bendele by 2-points and for this being his first year out in late model he sure did put a good size dent. [deleted by Nick Holt. 9/22/04].


Bottom line is that Bendele won the championship. Talk about it, but in a civil manner. Not by taking to personal bashes against other members. If we all had the same opinion it would be boring on here.

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No my name doesn't say it all. Technically I never even made it to Rookie status. Still haven't finished my car. But every body on this site knows my name. And if they don't and they ask me for it, I give it. I've disagreed with people on here and still walked up in there pits and introduced myself. I don't think that anybody here can say I throw out accusations and hide behind a screen name.



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Guest hotstepr

[Edited out by Nick Holt. 9/22/04} Well I can tell you I do pit crew work for one of the late model teams and also have driven in the past and also I am way far from be a ROOKIE.

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