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More thoughts and prayers needed


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A couple weeks ago, I mentioned here that my son Steven and his girlfriend were facing the loss of their unborn child.

We received the bad news today that the baby girl has died in the womb.

They will be inducing labor in the next day or so to remove the child.

Even though this was an expected outcome, it doesn't make it any easier for them or the families.


Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers, as well as the families of Frank and Lillian and the others we have lost this past week. it has been a very difficult week for many on here.


Thank you, Tom

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It seems like these tough situations are coming way too frequently, Tom. My prayer is that the Lord would give those impacted by these difficult live events a fresh understanding that He has it all under control and will see us through these valleys.


One day we will understand these trials, but right now all we can do is to trust the Lord, just as He has asked us to do and ask for His Grace to get through the pain.



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So sad I"m so sorry for your loss... God Bless....

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