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Email from Bill Haglund


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Hey ya'll I got an email from Bill Haglund today, thought I would share some of it to you.


Hello from Iowa


We often think of everyone down in San Antonio and how we miss it. I’m sure we wouldn’t have left so quickly had I not had the heart surgery, but I know Mike Sepich is doing a great job. I recovered pretty slowly, but once I started getting my strength back, I’m rarin’ to go again.


FYI, three of us are building a new race track – it’ll be a half-mile dirt track, NASCAR sanction – up here in Iowa. We’re in no hurry, so will probably open in spring of 2006. Also, an old friend of mine just bought contracts of two western Iowa track, both very successful and popular, and he wants me to come out and run both of them for him. We’re going out there this weekend to see. It’s nice to still be wanted.


I’ve stayed involved as an announcer at two tracks since moving back to Iowa and it was great to see our old friends back here again. But, as stated before, we made some great friends and met a lot of wonderful people in San Antonio, too. Please say “hi” to everyone for us Saturday night. I know Steve Jung and Milton are still around, and I’m sure others are, too. Give our regards to all the racers, too. Thanks … and maybe one of these times Judy and I will pop in for a Saturday show. I know it’d be fun.


Bill and Judy Haglund

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