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The racing community is invited to attend.......

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The racing community is invited to join us at Cowtown Speedway on October 27th not only for some good racing action, but also to be present for recognizing the efforts of Don Cook. Don Cook, also known as Edirt, is the recipient of the 2012 All American Motorsports Award. Don is seen at many raceways with camera in hand while he captures the racing action as it really is. His work is quickly posted for all to enjoy in a very timely manner. It is because of his volunteer efforts and dedication to dirt track racing that has earned him the All American Motorsports Award. The award presentation will take place on the front straight away area for all those in attendance to witness.


The All American Motorsports Award is presented once a year to a individual of the racing community that performs positive contributions to the sport of dirt track racing in the state of Texas. This years award is sponsored by the Steve Smith family of the China Springs Texas area.

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