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Drivers and Gokarts

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Drivers your cut off time is 6:30 pm. If you have not drawn your pill and checked in with me by 6:30 PM you will have to run scratch, but you must check in with the Pit Gate Employees, so that I know you are here (especially those of you who switch drivers). If you know you are going to be late, you can always call me on my cell 361-549-8046. I have it with me all day long on Saturday.


Go-karts - your cut off time is 5:45 PM, you start racing at 6 PM. You must check in with me by 5:45 PM. If you are going to be late, have your parents call me ahead of time.


I am posting this message so that you all know and have the option of calling me. I want to make sure the right driver, well all drivers get the points that they have earn. I know that the points chase is real important to most of you, so please feel free to call me at any time 361-549-8046. I want to do my best for all the drivers, cause with out you all we don'thave races. I thank and appreciate each and everyone of you.


Marcia Brownlee

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