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Cody Leonard


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Went to the Ice Breaker with Johnny and had a Good Time...But there was this 14 year old kid that really did OUTSTANDING!!!,,He is CODY LEONARD..son of Darin and Brandy...Young man,CONGRATS on the fine job you did...I know the two parents are so proud...See you guys soon,and to Bill Pittaway, you are just a great person, always helping folks out!!..See all you guys soon...Frank t

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Thanks Frank and everyone else. Cody exceeded all our expectations in Abilene. His mother and I are very proud of him. A very BIG THANKS goes out to Bill Pittaway and CD Electric for letting him drive the 37 car until we get his car done. His goal was to make one "A" main during the weekend and he acually made two. He was disappointed when he didn't make it Sunday by one spot but he learned quite a bit on that super dry track.



The announcer came by our pit and thanked us for coming and praised Cody and his performance. IMCA also commented on how well he did. I thought about letting him drive my car Saturday in the B main. He wanted to drive it. Sure would of been great to draw better than a 43 each day. Brandy wants to take him to the KSP opener but I have to work and funding after Abilene is rather LOW.



I hope you weren't watching me during the heat race.......


Thanks to all that helped with setting up Bills car for him...Bill, Lawerence, Joey, Brad, Blaylock.


Can't wait for the season opener.

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