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hobby stock race 7-31-04


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First of all...I DONT CARE who Jamie is and I don't care if shes blunt about what she says... yall want me to be blunt about @*&$, yall wont like it.


Second, I don't hide behind my screen name...(LENAE) my name is my job!!

(For yall who dont understand, 63Y is a military job.)


Third, from what I saw, Jay couldn't get out of his car because he had someone in his face yelling at him. Then again, like everyone says...


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Thanks for clearing that up...I just thought you were old...


First, let me thank you for serving our country keeping our tanks and bradleys running (for non-military people, Bradley is a personnel carrier not the romco 49)...most people are too selfish or don't have the stones to do it...you are a fine american...either that, or you couldn't get a job anywhere else and they were the only ones that would take you!!! But Thanks just the same...


Second, I hardly think you being blunt is going to shock anyone. Besides, if it's got any shock value at all, Nick will edit it out anyway...


Third, I would rather rassle an aligator in a rattle snake den than mess with Jamie!!!

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63y 9 was in the navy for ten years and i didnt know what 63y ment i was a ht in the navy and i bet you dont even know what it means as i didnt know what 63y meant til now so dont asume just becase you put 63y every bodt in the military knows it .

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Thanks I appreciate your support!



63Y is a track vehicle mechanic...we work on AVLB(bridge layer), M88(tows other broken tanks), personnel carrier(EMS vehicle), MLRS(rocket launcher). Just to clarify. The Bradleys and the Abrams got taken out of our program right before I went in because they were too classified. 63W works on hummers and other wheeled vehicles.


Sorry lbeaver...i wasn't assuming that because I wrote it, everyone knew what I was talking about. To be honest with you...I don't know what an HT is... I was just lettin people know who I was, like 29LL said...he thought I was old!!

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JEEEZ all these numbers and and wierd codes are just too confusing, Im usually pretty quiet on here but i think all of you need a good laugh. :D . its hard for a man to relate to complicated things , thats why we are usually simple . These are numbers and stuff most of us understand, wd40 , gt5.0 , 20w50, 350, 80w90 ,9/16, t20 . 10mm, hoosier970, vp106,

4412, and oh yeah there is my favorite,42DD. Now quit cryin and start laughing, you know you want too . Just like we all want to win . It takes the right attitude, patience, and some brain cell activity. None of us are trying to make a living at this thing called racing . If we were we wouldnt be at t-hill.

Simple rules are ,be smart , drive hard but clean and finish. ;) . so come on out and get some cleatus, lets put on a show and collect our money with out spending it on unneeded repairs. Thats where the fun is , not in the pits and not in the infield.

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amen. that last post is so what this thread needed. nobody is forcing any of us to spend all week messin'with some dumb old racecar just to take it to the track and get mad. racecars break,get banged up, mysteriously come down on other cars???? how come nobody ever gets mad at those little pieces of tirepop that run out on the track during cautions! oh yeah and the numbers thing ,42dd on the drivers side will totally put you over 55% left side weight.

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I have been real quite on this post but damn it kevin you just had to bring out the 42DD's I thought you had a sport bra on last week...lol JOKING.


The way I see it is this.


Last week is over. Move on

I have a welder and I used it.

I have worked more on the car this week then I have in 2 years.

I have lost more money this year than in 4 years. ( just assuming because I moved up a class) good excuse.

Dont have a mirror and never will (MAYBE)

I will drive a clean line if there is a line to drive.

I will get pissy if you tear up my car but not last weekend not worth the trouble.


I have no problem with the 37 car I just think we both have some huge magnets attached to our cars and it seems to attach themselves every week we run together.


So it is almost 1 hour until tomarrow so this thread is over. Saturday starts a whole new soap opra at THR and I hope I am not on that soap except to take the trophy at the end.


Thank you all for your comments and support and hate towards me. I do feel the love and hate.




Jay Simon

Hobby #74

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