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Top Three THR Street Stock Drivers


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There are too many talented SS drivers at THR to limit the list to three. Most of them have been mentioned already in this thread. But the best, in my humble opinion, is of course the driver of the #99 SS, Cary Stapp. :D


I hear another very talented one may be back this week. The #91 always adds to the excitement of the show!


Good luck to everyone Sat.



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How are you going to pick three when we had five drivers within 30 points at the end of last season, and this season shapes up about the same way?


Banker has to be in there, as does Teague, even though they weren't part of the Flyin' Five at the end of last season. But we've got LaFont, Stapp, Ayers, Teer, Marvin Buck, Duane Toyne lookin' pretty racey lately, Terry Tschoerner getting quicker every week (he's led twice in a row and had flats take him out), and how do you leave out Crazyhorse even though he's not going to be up in the points?


The bottom line is, these are the guys to watch. We had 23 A-Line Auto Parts Streets last week and started 21 in the feature, and it wasn't a crashfest, just fast, clean good racing. Wow!

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There are several very good drivers but when Donnie is there...he is the best! When Heath Stewart , Robert Steawart and Leland Waddel ran street they were hard to beat. Seams to me that several drivers have figured out THR and could win on any given night with a little luck.

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Well said Chase. Theres to many to limit it to a top 3. But of course Id say my Dad (Don Banker) is a hell of a driver in the SS class. But many of them are really nice people and they are hell on wheels when it comes to race time and are even more hard to beat. Personally our SS class at Thunder Hill puts on the best damn show out of any of them. :D By the way Don Banker will be in the #37 TAMS modified and the #36 StreetStock this weekend.

Edited by ss36_tams37
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The CPI stats are interesting to look at, but I don't think it's a valid way of comparing drivers from different tracks. The reasoning is that it doesn't factor in many things that affect where these drivers finish from week to week. Some key examples of these factors are the level of competition at the various tracks and the method used to determine the starting grid. If you look at the CC and SAS results, it is common to see one or two drivers winning at those tracks week after week with a couple of exceptions. At THR, on the other hand, it is common to see a different feature winner each week. I guess the gist of what I'm saying is that there is much more involved to winning at THR than just having a fast car and a good driver. FWIW



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You have some valid points. I am using the same exact points formula that NASCAR uses. It is nothing official. Perhaps it could use some tweaking but hey I'm not NASCAR. I just thought it would be cool to see what all three ttopa streetstock type cars would look like when compared under the NASCAR weekly CPI.

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A couple of questions?


Why doesn't the CPI consider starting spot? If the fast guys always start up front, they should finish up front.


how do SAS and CCMS do thier line ups? I'm pretty sure THR just inverts the points and starts reverse just like Longhorn used to. Only diff is that at Longhorn, the weeks previous winner always had to start shot gun on the field.

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At SAS, we use point averaging from previous appearances and invert the top eight, from highest to lowest. Last year, we also factored the heat race finish into the feature race lineup, but I'm not sure we're still doing it that way this year. If someone else knows anything different, please feel free to correct my statements.

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if I might and the best three. who about the best ten. the past years.


not in order





shawn paul


r. stewert

mark curey

ronnie smith

willie duartry

tim sowell


the present three


duane toyane

bobby terr

cary stapp

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