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For 3 years I have watched farm truck 79 compete at SOS and have the worst luck of any truck here. His motor blew up more times then not, the only time it didnt blow up he was leading on the white flag lap only to be taken out by a sore loser. He has congratulated every winner for 3 years and the FIRST night he wins you all brand him a chearter. I find this sad. If in fact he is cheating it will be found. Get together put up the money and if he is legal then congratulate him, if not you will get your money back. I prefer to give the guy the benifet of doubt. Either way i would prefer to see you all laughing and drinking a beer together after the races. We are here to have FUN!!!! Please do not forget this!!!!


Thank You,


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For 3 years I have watched farm truck 79 compete at SOS and have the worst luck of any truck here. His motor blew up more times then not, the only time it didnt blow up he was leading on the white flag lap only to be taken out by a sore loser. He has congratulated every winner for 3 years and the FIRST night he wins you all brand him a chearter. I find this sad. If in fact he is cheating it will be found. Get together put up the money and if he is legal then congratulate him, if not you will get your money back. I prefer to give the guy the benifet of doubt. Either way i would prefer to see you all laughing and drinking a beer together after the races. We are here to have FUN!!!! Please do not forget this!!!!


Thank You,


well said he deserved that win and finish

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Cheating and getting the most out of a rule package are two completely two different things dont you think? Its done in every rank of racing. Congrats Darrel

very true! i think its called "THE GREY AREA" and yes he did deserve that win more than anybody out there. people think they should come out their first time and win from then on and im here to tell u no it dont work that way........................

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very true! i think its called "THE GREY AREA" and yes he did deserve that win more than anybody out there. people think they should come out their first time and win from then on and im here to tell u no it dont work that way........................

shouldnt you be working

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