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allison legacy's

Del Harris

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i would like to know everyone that owns an allison legacy in the state of Texas, if possible name, address, city, zip, and a phone number. you don't have to post it in this post, just IM me or send me a email at www.pro2000racing@yahoo.com or you may call me at 281-808-5475, please reply if you own or race a allison legacy, thanks, del <_<

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i know there is a lot of people in Texas that have allison legacy race cars, i have only 3 people that have sent me an email with information. you would think that with all of these cars in Texas, there would be more people that would reply, these cars are not cheap racecars and is a really great class of car, i would just like to know who ownes/drives them, and how many there really is in our state. would all of you that have an allison legacy or know someone that does, please give me yours or their information. i know these cars are not just keep sakes, thanks, del :rolleyes:



p.s. give me their car number also if possible.

Edited by Del Harris
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I was trying to think of all the cars that I knew of from back in 2007 when we ran Legacy. I've made a list of the cars that I can think of and where they might be now. Some of these may be duplicates if they were sold and repainted. These are fun cars to run and easy to take care of. I hope this helps you get a few more out to the track. Randy Anderson


00 May --> 9 LeBaron --> Thor (For Sale)???

20/14 Brady --> Road Racing in Houston I think

2 Cody Kelly ---> Houston car, not sure what came of it.

3 Jack Kelly ---> Houston car, not sure what came of it.

86 Murray ---> 99 Yevchek (I think)

81 Spreen ---> Sold to Jack Murray, not sure where it is now.

7 Duschek --> Houston car, not sure what came of it.

5 Jay Carley ---> In Houston with Randy Anderson?

37 Jay Carley --> In Houston with Randy Anderson?

10 Renna --> ????

4 Sampson ---> Tom Harwell???

1 Sampson ---> Tom Harwell???

14 Tom Harwell ---> ????

32 Krauss ---> James Huff??

53 Evans, Jr. ---> Houston car, not sure what came of it.

3 Brandes ---> ????

71 Kruger ---> 96 Wright

5 Dallenbach ---> Not sure where this car came from or which car it used to be.

24 Kerr

15 Schmitt ---> Think this car is road racing in Houston.

72 Vikre ---> ?

69 Reilly ---> ?

3 Brennan ---> Not sure where this car came from. NASA Road Racing

18 Garcia ---> Not sure where this car came from. NASA Road Racing

07 Boyett ---> Was for sale, not sure if sold.

08 Boyett ---> Was for sale, not sure if sold.

45 Cannon ---> ???

17 Sheppers ---> NASA Raod Racing. Not sure where it came from, Jay Carley perhaps?

67 Caldwell ---> James Huff??

58 Martin --> Not sure what happened to this car. Jake Kruger probably knows.

44 Lee ---> Corpus Christi car. Not sure what happened to it.


There were 2 more cars from Corpus Christi. 8 and 38, husband and wife. Mel Krauss would know there names.

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I believe One Dallenbach car is Shawn Cannon's old car and the other not sure where they got that one.

The 8 and 38 are Mitzi and Michael Rhoads from Corpus. ( Mitzi lost her battle with Cancer last year) I think they still have the cars.

I think Martin #58 still has his.

Some of the those cars did race in Corpus this past weekend.

Sampson-Tom Harwell

Mel Krauss

Yevchek and Lee

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Gary Pooles #10 car is in Houston with Randy Andersen also


I have four cars that I have recently bought that are not listed above. No number and no drivers names associated with them yet, but three of the four will be running at TWS in August.


Jay Carley

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Both Boyette cars are now with James Huff

Garcia car was John Duscheks car that past through my shop in between the two.

Brennans have two cars. One came from Oklahoma and the other im not sure.

#17 Scheepers car came from me, which I acquired from River city drywall.

Both of my previous cars are in Randys shop. the 5 and the 37 cars


Jay Carley

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