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Texana's first night 04/02/11


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Well I am new to Texas and this was my first time at TRP, and I was really impressed with the car count (except for lates). They had a whopping field of Limited Mods, and Paul White sure knows how to wheel that car. The track looked to be in fair shape, at least it wasn't dusty or rough. Is this what their usual car count consists of? They also appeared to have a good crowd. Hopefully the car count stays this good so I don't have to drive further to watch races, cause I enjoyed the racing last night. :):D:) Good luck this year TRP, and hope its a successfull year.

Edited by dirtdemon78
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Also I just wanted to remind all dirt racing fans and drivers out there to watch Dirt Knights on the Versus channel every Sunday at 5pm. If you don't have the channel, you can catch the episodes online at www.modfury.com and go to videos. It will only aire the new episode on the friday after it aires on TV. For those of you who don't know what it is check out www.dirtknights.com It's a TV show that follows 6 USMTS drivers. Damn good show. Spread the word, I know the shows about over, but the more people that watch it the better the ratings.



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