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Go Karts

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I don't know why they decided to change the racing format for the go karts but I don't think its worth racing if your not gonna be seen. How many fans are in the stands at 7 when the races start? How is a kid suppose to be seen when he or she is done racing if the stands are nearly empty? I know some racers think the go kart class is just in the way, but think about this. If 25 karts show up the total money they spend getting in to race is about $1500 if both parents show up. How much of that money goes towards the trophy these kids get, $100 total. The rest goes to payout the big cars. They don't get any money so the least the track can do is let them be seen. I think they should let them race at the half like the way it was.

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I don't know why they decided to change the racing format for the go karts but I don't think its worth racing if your not gonna be seen. How many fans are in the stands at 7 when the races start? How is a kid suppose to be seen when he or she is done racing if the stands are nearly empty? I know some racers think the go kart class is just in the way, but think about this. If 25 karts show up the total money they spend getting in to race is about $1500 if both parents show up. How much of that money goes towards the trophy these kids get, $100 total. The rest goes to payout the big cars. They don't get any money so the least the track can do is let them be seen. I think they should let them race at the half like the way it was.



The web site states that racing begins @ 7pm. I think it's great that the racing starts with the kids. I believe the emphasis should be placed on the kids, the good times and memories. I speak from 4yrs of experience running in Quarter Migets with my son in front of parents and grandparents only. My family has great memories of the racing, championships and the friendships. My advice from one parent to another is to enjoy the kids, build memories, do not worry about fans and the money but most importantly have fun. I look forward to seeing the karts and the kids, the smiles are worth it. Hope to be blazing a trail through the ministocks the second half of the season. Here's to happy and safe racing.

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Our emphesis will be on our young, up and coming drivers this year. I am starting our go karts at 7pm as a way of showcasing them to our crowd. Most of our crowd has arrived by 7 and surely will see them at the winner presentation as I intened to call the races and interview the drivers on the front stretch each race.Our grandstands open at 5 and the go karts should be running thier heats at 5:30.

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