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Double File Restarts?

gone with the win

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Double file restarts suck. Lots of equipment gets torn up. A guy that works hard to pass somebody gets lined up in a bad lane and all of a sudden has to repass a bunch of cars. Towards the end of a race it takes good competitive races and eliminates a guy because of the lane they restarted in. Too much luck involved. I love starting the fast cars in the back :) but if you are already starting the faster cars in the back it is not fair to penalize them again. I-37 is doing a great job and increasing car counts. Why add a gimic that will tear up cars? If it ain't broke don't fix it!!!

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how about raceceivers then? would speed the show up and get the fans a full show before they get frustrated and leave before all the racing is done!

+1 for this one.


Getting the fans in and out in a timely fashion while putting on the best show possible is a definite plus. The track has been doing really good and I'm sure this option has been or is being looked into.

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Don't know if my 2 cents is good or not, but my opinion...


Yah it would be great for the fans BUT, you also have to look at it as, can the drivers afford to fix their cars every week, cause they got stuck behind some tree squirrel and got torn up.

Granted the fans would like it, but with the economy the way it is, money is tight, after awhile, drivers will either, not race due to funds, or race somewhere else where they don't get torn up as often. If the drivers leave or stop racing, that means less cars....... which means, no good racing, which means no fans after awhile.


So my vote, why change it. Leave it the way it is, unless radios come into play.


just my opinion B)

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