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Building Jason a THR Hobby Stock


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1 for 1 baby!!!whhhhhooooo.....j/k.. we should get some people together and build jason a HOBBY STOCK....i guessing he'd move closer to be by the car...

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Jason has got the racing bug bad enough to actually move to San Marcos, but I doubt he could make the admission requirements at Texas State. His grades are good enough, but I don't think he has enough High School Party Hours to get in.


Nick Holt

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thanks guys.


Actually, I am looking into maybe a ministock part time at CC and part time/full time in TPS. Now the biggest question is...Would a pinto chassis with an aftermarket Mustang body and the OEM heads with the 500cfm carb be competitive against the TPS cars?

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Would a pinto chassis with an aftermarket Mustang body and the OEM heads with the 500cfm carb be competitive against the TPS cars?


I believe it were built with the proper suspension geometry and sprung/shocked correctly -- AND -- if the driver had more than a few laps in a Grand Stock car.. LOL


IF and WHEN you decided to do it I know a good suspension man.


Nick Holt

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