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Hey Nick,


If people send their responses via a PM , how can anybody else read them?? I for one would like to read the reply's since I also would like to do a new layout for next year and I am willing to bet so are few other people as well.


K Le Baron


Fair enough question. And here's the answer.


LSS runs because we have advertisers who pay money each month to help defray the expenses of running a site this size. One of the companies we are courting (is that the right word??) is a graphics company.


What happens when we allow these sort of "Who is the best engine builder, graphics guy, gun dealer, etc." questions is that anyone who has a connection to a business that provides those products and/or services get on here and basically tell the world why they should be purchasing this or that from this or that business. You've seen it happen in other threads I'm sure.


But then the business that is paying for their ad gives me a call and wonders why I'm letting their competition advertise for free. I have no good answer and at least two have dropped their ads because of that scenario.


Lone Star Speedzone is attempting to generate a large enough advertising base to move into live video feeds from Texas Tracks at some point in the future. That stuff is expensive and the wife has (wisely) taken control of the grocery money. So I am much more aware of the advertising revenue these days.


You may not agree with this policy, but for now that's the answer. If anyone would like to discuss this further, please email or PM me.





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