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Way to go Bradley


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Nick, I suggest that you restrict more than just yellow flag. It seems as though you and Jason want to dish it out but not take feedback that does not agree with yours. I had read more crap from Jason that Yellow flag and you haven't restricted his posts. Again, I thought this forum was to express opinions. Not just yours and Jason's and only those you like, but everyone. Good thing you guys don't need sponsors with MONEY. Seems yall don't like anyone that has it.

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Nobody posted anything about what you post about.

YOU keep posting about something on another topic

I guess because all your posts don't have anything to

do with this topic.If you ask me the answer to your question

is YES.

Way to go Bradley keep it going.

And yellowflag from now on can you keep on the subject when

you post or start a new topic.One or the other so we can know

where your coming from.

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Hey chuckman, I was not asking you a question so dont worry about my questions unless I ask you. But thank you for your response. So If someone spins out in front of you and you hit them, you should go to the back but not them? I think Nick even supports the all involved rule. (Until............I ask about it)

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I support the all involved rule whether you ask about it or not.


I'm sure your questions about how a ROMCO race is called is better directed to ROMCO officials than to me.



I suggest that you restrict more than just yellow flag. It seems as though you and Jason want to dish it out but not take feedback that does not agree with yours. I had read more crap from Jason that Yellow flag and you haven't restricted his posts. Again, I thought this forum was to express opinions. Not just yours and Jason's and only those you like, but everyone. Good thing you guys don't need sponsors with MONEY. Seems yall don't like anyone that has it.


In case you haven't noticed, I have edited and deleted more of Jason's posts than anyone else posting here on TSZ. LOL.. And I haven't even been fired (yet)!


As far as taking feedback, i have accepted any and all feedback, even from people whose only intent was to pick a fight. If you look around the site for a while, you might find that I have been called names, such as Dick Holt, Nick the Prick, Hitler, TSZ-God, and others that I cannot post here. Those posts remained up in spite of the TSZ guidelines that prohibit such bashing.


You are correct, this forum is for people to express their opinions in a civilized, polite, non-bashing manner. I do express my opinions freely, but I do not restrict oposing views as long as they meet the criteria we all live by here on TSZ.


And, finally, regarding sponsors with money: Perhaps Jason has a problem with money, but I don't. If you would like to sponor me, feel free to send a nice big check -- the sooner and the bigger the better. LOL


Nick Holt

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First, congrats to Bradley and the 49 team.


Second, this part along with all other post not congradulating Bradley should be in a separate thread, I talked with Terry after the race about some other things, but he brought up the wreck between the 49,13,and 8 cars as an example. He said even though the 49 was hit by the 13, he didnt spin around and that all 3 cars kept going, and that there shouldnt have been a caution. The 13 cut a tire and came to the pits, that is why he went to the back, if the tire didnt get cut down he would have lost a few spots but would have stayed on the lead lap. Romco's all involved rule as it was explained to me is, if car 1 gets hit by car 2, and dosnt spin and can keep going then car 1 keeps its spot even if car 2 spins, then car 2 would go to the back. If they both spin, they both go to the back. If car 2 hits car 1, and car 1 spins but car 2 dosnt and can keep going then they both go to the back.



Just a thought, but you might look at the way you ask a question, because sometimes your post do come across a bit aggressive.

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Im sorry you feel the way you do yellowflag, Im not sure if you watched the rest of the race though, cause I ran the same line even after we had the wreck... I was running only 2 tenths off of what We qualified at and there was no pressure behind any of us 3 b/c we had checked out. I do agree with part of your comment though, 8 and 13 were faster than me and I don't mind the little taps (bumping) i was getting, 13 was just tryin to get a run off the corner but if you remmeber correctly there was a lap car infront of us and I had to check up, and I got hit from behind which sent me spining, then Brandon had no where to go. After the wreck T.wade cut a tire and I think somthing about his swaybar broke (what i heard). If he wouldn't of cut his tire im not sure what romco would of done but since he pited he has to go to the back.( I heard everyone was getting their spots back because the caution should have never come out).

Now I have a question for you... Since they were faster than me do you think I should have not chagned my line to make my car faster and pulled over and let them go? I mean we were 1/2 a track ahead of everyone and not once did anyone try it on the outside... As for blocking I ran the same line as I did at the begining of the race to the end of the race and my times showed it... 14.2's infront of them and with the occasional screw up I would run a 14.4; with 12 laps to go, I ran a 14.2

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If you are going to ask a specific person a question then do it.

When you just throw a question out in a post and don't ask a

certain person the question then your asking everyone that

reads the post.From now on be alittle more specific so everyone

knows what your point is.

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Can I go into your house, tell you your parenting sucks, and tell you how to raise your kids? No. I don't even know you and honestly would like to keep it like that. Damn if you have a problem with restricting posts why not go elsewhere? I am sure the intelligent bunch at bashers102 would take you! Do I have a problem with money? OH NO! I'll take it if you want to give me it. What I do have a problem is someone coming on here and mouthing off. Guess what. Someone from your precious team was the infamous HOER. I still have not banned gasman but I am glad he hasn't come back. Why not do a search on gasman and read some of his posts before you start mouthing off? If you would like I can walk you through the search page. :unsure:


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Now you guys want to change the subject and talk bad about somebody else. Why not answer the question/ Should twade have been put to the back? [Edited out by Nick Holt, 5/27/04]


Hey Chuckman, I did specifically ask someone a question. Are you a moderator? When did you become boss? I asked a question, he answered it, and three of you guys threw rocks at me for no reason. Why dont you mind your own business.

Seems to me that you asked everyone here...

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congratdulations bradley-didn't mean to trail off the thread topic....

from what i heard you did a good job-but it dosen't surprise me...

but this was 2 weeks in a row this guy has made round about threats...

i guess if your a looser all your life you learn to hate the winners...

again nice job bradley!!!!!!

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Ok. Please explain why the email address for HOER on the bashers site and the email address for Frank on the ROMCO email list is the same? Maybe its someone at his office or in the shop instead?

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Just wondering Didnt Twade coime down pit road?? So even if the call would of been for him to stay in the front he still came down pit road and worked on his car im not sure what other series would give you your spot back, but if they do please let me know so i can come run there, ill be in every yellow to make an adjustment as long as i gt my spot back.




I believe the call was made to give everyone their spots back but he came down pit road along with brandon.

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Bradley they should have just sent you to the back. I think there would have been enough time to work your way back to first. The three of you were the class of the field. After Brandon's and T. Wade's problems, there was no one to challenge you. It would have just been one of those exciting come from behind wins, that would be awesome.


When things like this happen on the track, it would be good if they announced the ruling to the fans, so we won't be confused about the situation, not just this race, but all races in any series, oop's I thought I was sitting in front of the t.v. set watching a Nextel Cup race.


Congrats again.

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