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A really good ARTS race at THR


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Bryan Meredith won the 50-lap ARTS event with Todd McLemore a very close second.


The Meredith - McLemore battle was a classic with McClemore right on Meredith's bumper over the last 20-25 laps or so. The two were very evenly matched and the pair deserve a lot of credit - McClemore for running him clean the entire time and Meredith for holding his line and never making a mistake big enough for McClemore to get around him.


One of the best truck races I've seen.


Once received, the race results will be posted in the Press Release and Results section.


Nick Holt

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From what I saw it was a pretty good race. Lots of close racing with not a whole lot of hitting each other but I didnt get to see the end of the race so I might be a little off. But congrats Bryan.

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