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Passing the Torch


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As most all readers know who get on this site, I (Monty Chamberlain) have been the writer behind the TRP screen name on this forum and other forums for the past few years talking up events, answering questions and posting post race articles. As was announced at the Texana Raceway Park banquet earlier this month, Mr. Ken Bulsterbaum will be operating the track this year for owners Bruce and Donna Tesch. Much like Bruce and Donna, my family will be spending more time this season focusing on some other interests and I will be dedicating a lot of time to working with my daughter Lauren's racing program as she moves up into full size cars and we spend some time back as customers at dirt tracks, and traveling up and down the Texas Coast a bit in 2010 to see the friends we've made in the dirt track racing family. Who knows, I could be back in a couple or three years helping the track, but for now it's time for a little break.


As Ken takes over the reigns for the 2010 operations, one thing we're doing is passing the TRP sign-on over to Ken. After this writing, Ken will be the individual behind TRP on the web. Ken brings a lot of ambition and excitement to what he is tackling this year at Texana Raceway Park. He has a lot of ideas and has been around the sport for many years, so he is no rookie to the business. I think folks will be very impressed with the customer service focus he utilizes.


Personally, I want to thank Bruce and Donna for seeing something in me several years ago that I didn't realize I had, and them asking me to take a shot at handling promotions for Texana. As it turned out, I found it easy to market and write about something I loved so much (dirt track racing and Texana Raceway Park). I've had the privilege of watching the numerous improvements made over the last several years at the facility, and quite frankly it's been an honor for me to be along for the ride while the Tesch's have invested year after year in the track.


It seems that in dirt track racing it is so easy to remember a negative, but as a racer and the promotions person at Texana, I have several things that have left positive memories for me, which the Tesch's were the force behind making happen. In 2006 and again in 2007 there were $1k to win bomber events. In 2008, the first ever visit of the ASCS Sprint Cars and darn if they weren't back in 2009 for not only 1 night, but 2. And, they'll be back again in 2010. The spectator races were introduced and were a huge hit with the fans. Even me and Bruce got in the act one year and gave everyone a real surprise trading some paint, unknowingly to the fans who it was in the cars. Record breaking bicycle give aways topping 60 bicycles in 2008 and again in 2009. If that didn't speak volumes about who the racers were at Texana by donating all those bikes, I can't imagined what would. Who can forget the incredible 3 night USMTS event in November 2008 with hot shoes we only read in magazines. If you followed Texana over the years through its evolution you'd never imagine it would get to host something like the USMTS. I had the privilege of playing local host for Kelly Shryock and his team one night during the event. That's the best brush with fame I think I've ever had. And, on regular nights, Texana has been in a unique position to have well known Texas drivers visit the facility such as the legendary Howard Willis, Paul White, Steve Whiteaker Jr., Corey Babbit, and many, many other notable names. In 2008, we got on an incredible roll with synergy and had sponsors beefing up purses on various nights for most all classes. Many great memories and I could go on and on. If I had to pick something that I was most proud to have been associated with I would have to say it was being part of the Texana team when not once, but twice in 2008 that Bruce and Donna had rain shortened events and they stepped up and paid the entire purse for all of the classes in quick fashion. I don't think I've ever seen that before in all my travels to tracks.


If I was to ever ask a favor of all of you who I consider my extended family, it would be this: Please give Ken your positive support as he tackles his new role, encourage your friends and even your rivals to come race at Texana, spread the word to the fans to make 2010 a huge success for Texana, and let Ken and the other staff know when you see something going well. Our words, both verbal and through these forums, are powerful and can be used for great good or great harm. While the tracks have people designated for promotions, the reality is that the most effective promoting comes directly from the customers (racers and fans both). Help make 2010 a banner year all the way around.


I look forward to continuing to hang with the dirt track racing family, but back in the customer role this year. Good luck to everyone in 2010.


-Monty Chamberlain

Texana Raceway Park 2007, 2008 and 2009 Promotions Director

now on sabbatical

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I personally want to thank you for getting me to come down there and take pictures. A lot of people might not know this, but I'm definitely not in it for the money. I go because I love the sport and I get one of the best seats in the house. But by me going there a few times it opened a few other doors that have given me some great opporunites and I have you to thank for that.


I want to wish you and Lauren the best of luck with your racing endevors.

Edited by Jamie
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