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Hello everyone my name is Ruth Shanklin. I know several of you from our days racing at San Antonio Speedway and though I lost touch with several of you I am here asking you for a favor. I was diagnosed with breast cancer in December. Cancer does not run in my family in anyway shape or form. I will be going in tomorrow for a double masectomy. I have had the love and encouragement from so many friends but I worry more about Garfield that I do myself. As the spouse of something like this there is no support group for him to turn to, and this is affecting him as much as it is me. I know he needs the encouragement as much as I have gotton so I am turning to the other family we've ever known our race family. I'd appreciate if you'd give him a call while I'm in the hospital I'm sure he'd appreciate hearing from some of his old racing buddies. I want to Thank Craig Crawley for being the best friend we could ever have you take care of him while I'm out. I will thank you now you don't know how much it will mean to me. His number is 8308220455 I appreciate it Bless you all...

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I wish you the best with your surgery. I'm sure you're all going through a really tough time right now. My thoughts and prayers are with you during the next few days. I'll be glad to give Garfield a call following your surgery. Take care.

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I saw Ruth yesterday, very sedated. I called to check on her today and she got out of bed and was sitting in a chair. her first time out of bed. They may let her try and walk on Sunday or Monday if se continues to progress. The surgery went as well as can be expected and she will be in the hospital at least until next week. Garfield is hanging in there and being as supportive as he can be.


Craig Crawley

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