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Need some Prayers


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My mom is going in at 7:00 in the morning to have a scope put into her heart to see why it's not getting enough blood pumping to one part of it. They may have to put a stint in her heart.


I told her they do this all the time now and I know people that have had it done, but she is very nervous and scared.


So, if you kind find it in your heart to say a prayer for her, please do.


Thank you all in advance.

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I'm sending my sincerest wishes that your mom's surgery goes well. I know it must make all of you very nervous, and my prayers are being sent your way. Please let us know how the surgery goes.

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Kathy: As you and I discussed by phone when you asked if I had the same medical procedure done to me, I said "yes - in 1996".


I survived the angioplasty procedure then.


We are confident your mother will recover tomorrow.


Please tell Mom that Terry and I send our best thoughts.




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Well they couldn't do the heart thing today. The one leg they went into was blocked. They went in the other leg and she does have some blockage in her heart, but they can't fix that until the fix the leg. When I talked to my Dad he said they were wanting to do it on Friday, but they where waiting for my Mom to get back to a room and wake up more to talk about it.


I just know she is going to be so much more scared and nervous now.


Please keep her in your prayers for a while longer, please.


Thank you all again.

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Thank you to all who sent prayers for my Mom. She had the leg cleaned out yesterday. And after looking at the blockage in the heart, they said it was NOT a major artery and for that blockage they are going to be treating it with some medicine. Yea! No more under the knife.


I know yours prayers where heard, because when I asked her if she was scared going in the first time, she said no. So, Thank you all.


She got to come home today and can now start healing. She said she was pretty sore this morning, but they gave her good pills to take care of that.

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