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Live Updates from the THR Drivers' Meeting


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The staff at Thunderhill Raceway wants everyone to attend the drivers' meeting at THR this Saturday at 2:00 p.m., but I have been asked to host Lone Star Speedzone's "Live Updates" from the meeting in case some folks aren't able to attend.


The CoverItLive software we use for the Live Updates allows people who are logged on to ask questions and make comments as we go through the meeting. Debbie says that she will be available to answer questions - maybe not as soon as they are asked, because she will be having LOTS of other duties during the meeting - that you may have during the Live Update session.


I will be firing up the Live Update blog software around 1:30 p.m. on Saturday to make sure everything's working properly.


To be part of this important meeting, simply go to the Lone Star Speedzone front page (http://www.lonestarspeedzone.com and click on "Live Updates from THR's Drivers' Meeting, 12/12/09." That will take you to the login screen for the meeting.


A quick note about this Live Update session. There will be no "special bus" this time. All questions and comments will be screened for appropriateness before they are posted in the blog window.


Hope to see you online if you can't make it to the meeting!



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We really appreciate Nick's live coverage of the Drivers' Meeting on Saturday. We know that everyone can't make it, and hopefully it will help out some of you who may be out of town, etc. I know one driver will be in China on Saturday!


If you can't make the meeting, please remember that the 2009 car and truck numbers will only be held until January 1, 2010, as stated in the THR and TSRS rules. So, if you can't make the meeting, please make sure you mail your registration forms and fees before that date. I will be putting the forms on line in the next few days, hopefully before the meeting.

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Wow, thats cool Nick. Better rest them fingers, bet they are gonna get a workout at this meeting. :lol:


"Have fingers, Will travel." LOL Actually, I'm looking forward to this adventure.


I only wish I could do a live video - I need to land a few sponsors before I can afford to do the video deal again...



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Wow, thats cool Nick. Better rest them fingers, bet they are gonna get a workout at this meeting. :lol:


"Have fingers, Will travel." LOL Actually, I'm looking forward to this adventure.


I only wish I could do a live video - I need to land a few sponsors before I can afford to do the video deal again...




Video? Im really gonna have to pull off a miracle to get interviewed now. ;)

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The Live Updates have been quite popular.


We averaged 501 people on line with us during the 14 Live Updates in 2009, and that includes a rainout at HMP in early October where only a few people logged in before I shut down the software. The high number was 1,086 for the Texas Stock Car Spectacular in October and the low (besides the rainout at HMP) was 282 for the Corpus Christi show on Sept 5th.


I would love to sign an advertiser to become the Title Sponsor for the Live Updates. You know, the Aramendia Plumbing Live Updates or perhaps the HEB Live Updates. First come, first serve! LOL



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How about "The Bubbles Live Update"?


Not sure txtom would approve, Papa. As you well know he's entirely responsible for any and all fountain bubbles in that part of the world... although I will say it was a blast running through them with my '85 Turbo Dodge Daytona before the officers of the law arrived on the scene. LOL



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