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Video from Thunder Hill Saturday on TV


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Video and an interview from Saturday night's action at Thunder Hill will air on the sports segment of TimeWarner's News8Austin beginning with the 7:21 pm sportscast.

We know what we gave them, but I'm not sure what they're going to use. If you are on TimeWarner cable and get News8Austin, try to check it out. The piece should air once per hour through the night or until it gets knocked out by one of the "real" sports, but there's not much happening right now.

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It starts out with the reporter talking about the changes to the racing surface and feeds into some footage of the top 6 or so cars in the SS feature under green flag racing. The reporter talked about the effect the new surface should have on the racing action. During his report, the footage also showed Cary take the checkers with Teer right behind him and then showed Colt take the checkers in the ROMCO race with the Welch on his tail. They ended up with a short interview with Cary in the pits after the race about his take on the new surface.



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That was great to see Thunderhill on the news and they had some good video. There were some good racing action from the street stocks and the Romco's. Nice piece of work from Cary with the interview. We need to all make sure we contact News 8 Austin and thank them for covering the local racing. Make sure they know we appreciate it and would like to invite them out every Saturday night to cover the races. I've attached the link below for you to send comments to News 8. I hope that all the drivers and fans will send in their comments and help promote local racing.




Great job everyone.



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That was a pretty good synopsis. I'll add that they devoted about one minute of a six-minute sportscast to Thunder Hill, which is pretty good.



Good point about contacting the station and thanking them. An independent cameraman named Thad Yousling actually shot the footage (he shot the stuff Thursday that News8Austin used that night as well) as part of an arrangement with Brian and Jim at Thunder Hill.

The stations sometimes don't have the resources to cover us, but they'll use professional quality footage if we will supply it to them, and Jim and Brian arranged to do that this week. It wasn't the first time (Thad shot the Big Shot footage a couple of years ago, as well as the footage we used of ROMCO and the ARTS trucks last fall and most of the footage Corpus used to put together their ads for this season), and I don't think it will be the last. Brian and Jim are working very hard this season not only to improve Thunder Hill, but to attract attention to it.

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Guest texracer

Well it looks like C.C. T.H.R. and H.M.P. has stepped up to the plate by doing T.V. commercials, lets see if Mikey S. at S.A.S. will do the same. My guess is no way. Hope i'm wrong.

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Yea i think Thunderhill should do commercials that would help fill the stands even more i think there was a good turnout out this last weekend but imagine how many more people could be wanting to find a track to go to and they never hear about one.




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