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Mike Yale wins in CC


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An interesting night. Dunno bout that bomber race ending... Not fun to win and get booed. Maybe the leader was going to spin but we know for a fact he did hit him. Oh and that sure was interesting seeing that bomber winner try to spin the tires on the front stretch. Both tires spun and left some rubber. Didn't know they allowed Positrack in the bomber class?


I didn't know there was a demo derby this week at CC? Sure was. Mike Yale won it. Only thing pretty was seeing the cars before the race started. The #43 got 2nd and Tom Grothues got 3rd. I think Beau got 4th and dunno bout 5th? JP? Lloyd had a good run going till he slowed dunno what happened to him. He was then spun by Brad who also spun earlier in the night causing a pileup on the front straight. I think the Corvette pacing the field really won that race. Led the most laps! How about a RED FLAG? No lets just run the cars around under yellow. Jeez What about those restarts? Blah I saw stuff in that TSRS race that scared me. Guys mid pack on back would stack up on the backstretch before the green flag. One would think the 500 TSRS officials with their glowing night sticks could come up with a way for smoother restarts. It was chaos. I don't really think it was the drivers faults as they were used to running around under caution and probably suprised they were actually going to race a few laps! lol

I am tired. Just kind of frustrated. The track itself wasn't too bad. Saw some shiny objects in the infield that looked like glass but not to much of it. Good job once again Owen and nice to see a packed house. Maybe next year or in the coming years CC can build a latemodel class with the TTOPTA rules. Would be nice seeing this kind of car run weekly but just without all the hoopla and hype.

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Jason - Couldn't have been Tommy Grothues placing 3rd at Corpus Christi Motor Speedway because I saw him driving his # 11 ROMCO Ford at Thunder Hill Raceway in Kyle, TX on Saturday night, March 27. I don't know how Grothues finished, but following are unofficial top finishers and laps completed:


1 - Colt James - 125

2 - Wade Welch - 125

3 - Eddie Wallace -125

4 - Doug Hooks -125

5 - Bradley Riethmeyer - 125

6 - Tommy Grimes - 125

7 - don't know first name - Felton - 125

8 - David Lehnert - 125!


Note: Greg Davidson left 2nd place with an engine failure, blown I think.


Neil Upchurch - "eye witness"

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i was trying to pass for 4th and the thing popped outta 4th gear so that sent me back to the part of the field where you dont want to be at. and i didnt get spun by brad but by a red car that i wont name cuz i dont wanna get edited right now. i agree with jason the restarts were horrible. but the track was fast just wish i could have stayed around 4th til the end. fun track hopefully next time we'll get to run some long green flag laps.

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restars weren't anbody's fault, they wanted them slow, which is what they got, which screwed the whole field because it made everybody 3rd on back brake check basically. As far as the third place car goes that was the #9 car of Tommy Gural, which might of been the fastest car on the track. when is comes to the 5 car getting spun out their is red paint on the frame that protects the fuel cell, and oh yeah thats 37 inches from the rear quarter and flush against the fuel cell, but he spun by himself bringing out the caution. Thats what sucks for everybody in every class tonight, is there was still alot of glass in the infield from the monster class show last week. EVEN THOUGH i know for a fact that Owen has busted his ass out there every night to clear out everything from last weekends monster truck rally.

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Yeah it was Gural. My bad. :) Its was a long day and I was tired. Yeah Lloyd I knew Brad was right behind you then next thing I knew I look at ur car and he is under u with u spinning. Thats what it looked like. Was the red car the #98 or the #2? lol

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TSRS really needs change something ! Pacing the cars around the track waisting laps ? Maybe SLOW DOWN the pace car for starters ,stop the cars if it looks like the caution in going to be very long. I know that was the the worse show I have seen . Wrecker drivers trying to move cars to the pits burning yellow laps only to leave the car sit anyway? Maybe the TSRS drivers need to get involved in the racing alittle more. Not sure how many Green flag laps were run (25?)but as a driver riding around under caution would not be the reason I towed my car 150 miles. I think they came to race not look at the back of each others cars at caution speed . Fix it the fans were bored



Hey Owen Finally something You can't get blamed for . Did you change your phone # yet ?

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This was an issue last year and thought the problems were being addressed. Well if this was the case, this is a bad start and hopefully they can prepare a little better for the next race. People pay to go see a race, if half the laps are run under yellow it is not a race. They should just make it a 200 lapper and we can see some green flag racing.

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An interesting night. Dunno bout that bomber race ending... Not fun to win and get booed. Maybe the leader was going to spin but we know for a fact he did hit him. Oh and that sure was interesting seeing that bomber winner try to spin the tires on the front stretch. Both tires spun and left some rubber. Didn't know they allowed Positrack in the bomber class?

Yes Jason it was interesting last night. You are right the lead car in the Bomber race decided to go high then when he relized that the 36 car was going to go under he decided to chang his line and go low and got him self loose. If you watch and listen to the tape you will see the 36 car was on the brake. When you are running that close to a car you have no where to go. But... a lot of people in the stands do not understand when you cause a caution you are sent to the back and the 20 car after spinning out drove back on the track and stopped so a caution would be called. It was a mess and it was the 36 cars first feature win. All or most of the officals from the track including Owen came down and seen the tape after the race and they also seen the 20 car get loose by himself and they also seen the 36 car try to stop or slow down.

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IMO, The best rule is all drivers involved go to the back so issues like that do not happen again. Judgement calls are just that. A judgement and not always right. He did get loose but 36 did get into him. Oh well. I support the new management of CCSpeedway 100% and believe they will make the right decisions.

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An interesting night. Dunno bout that bomber race ending... Not fun to win and get booed. Maybe the leader was going to spin but we know for a fact he did hit him. Oh and that sure was interesting seeing that bomber winner try to spin the tires on the front stretch. Both tires spun and left some rubber. Didn't know they allowed Positrack in the bomber class?

Hey Jason,

This is Corey the driver of the 36 car! It did rot getting the booing from the crowd on my first ever feature win! I have been racing for 2yrs now and try to drive everyone as clean as possible. I watched the tape over and over and over again last night. I had already commited to the bottom of the track to try to go under the 20 car. The 20 was a little loose and backed off of the throttle when seeing the 28 car in front of him out of shape, which caused me to tap the 20 car in the rear quater panel! I hate that this happened with only two laps to go and that we were not able to finish racing it out. I DID NOT DO THIS INTENIONALLY! As far as the posi rear end please feel free to come by my pit, house, and or shop in Rockport and I will gladly jack my car up for you and show you that I DO NOT HAVE A POSI! And to answer your come back no I didn't come home and take it out. Car is still on the trailer. I am not sure why it did what you said it did, but cool hope it does it all the time. Maybe something is broke in my favor for once. CCMOTORSPEEDWAY has been doing a nice job and are welcome to check my rearend anytime. You are doing a fine job Owen!!!!

Go Fast and Good Luck to all drivers!!

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Don't take my post as a personal attack. I am sure you didn't but I just want to make it clear in case you did. I never said it was intentional. Just said contact was made and I could not make a judgement. It was some close racing. I am sure you will get some more wins this year as you seemed pretty quick and hopefully they won't be as controversial.

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I normally do not respond to insulting comments but I feel this time I should, as far as the officials with the "glowing nite sticks" go, we used those because they are easier for the cars to see us with. As far as the restarts go, we as officials motion for the drivers to bunch back up together whether they take us up on that or not is their choice. We can't make them unless we stop the race, which then I am sure everyone would have a problem with that as well. We have the best set of drivers around, those guys and gals do a great job at each race, It was a new track to both them and to us officials, I personally had never been there before so it was an expierence in itself. Everyone complains about the amount of yellows, then someone complains about the cars not being bunched up, would you like us to use more yellow flags to get the end guys to get together??? We ask them to bunch it up, we ask their spotters, what they do on the track us up to them. I could not ask for a better set of drivers, for a first race at this track I want to say thank you to each of the drivers for their cooperation and enthusiasm!!! You guys and gals are great!! See you in Houston!


TSRS Pit Steward!

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Congrats Mike. After seeing that tire and wheel and how much it was towed out I realize what a job you did. Thanks to Mr. Fuller for driving us clean. You can expect the same from us if the roles are reversed. Thanks to the fans for voting us best looking car although I have to say there was some other very deserving cars in the competition. Looking forward to seeing everybody in Houston.

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Are you sure it wasn't Mike Hale? :rolleyes:




At least no one threw any beer cans at me. B) Yet :unsure:


Mike ran a good race!


C ya'll in Houston!


Bill "Sarge" Masom

Hardest working race announcer in Texas! Have microphone, will travel!

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YET being the operative word here. Oh yeah, it is Brad HUUUUUU-DAK. Otherwise thought you did a great job from what I could hear.

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I think you have that all wrong.. I understood it was gonna be Marc "Rolley Polie" Roy.


Nick Holt

Yah, okay..


This, coming from Nick "what's that smell" Holt... :P:lol:

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Jason, I don't know what you are on but there wasn't 500 TSRS officials on the track during the race ...there was 3! TSRS is suffering growing pains but heading in the right direction. I don't know why you insist on writing long winded , exagerated stories trying to belittle TSRS....does it make you feel powerful ! From the posts I have read that you leave I can't help but think you aspire to be a tabloid mogul ! I wouldn't expect this on Texas Speedzone but maybe from a high school drama queen !

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