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qustion: what is the best way to get to TMS


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My quesiton is for what is the best way to get to TMS from San Antonio TX. I know of going up IH 35. but is there another way that is just as fast. I know IH35 has alot of work been done on it right now.


Thanks in advance.


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you can go north on 281 out of sa all the way thur stephenville-then you come to interstate 20 and hang a right -head east to IH35 and hang a left-nice country ride-be sure to stop in lampasas at storms and grab a burger-family been cooking em for over 50 years -the best burger in texas :P ps-watch for the trooper around hamilton-he loves to write his quota of tickets-

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Just head north on 35,depending on what day you go up,I went up on Saturday last year,when the Busch race was letting out and the Outlaw crowd was cooming in,Hwy 114 was closed,I exited on 170 I think it was and had to head east to inteersect 114,however I would have done better to go north on 35 past 114,turned around and come back south and exit before 114,there was no traffic coming from the north at that time,once I got on 114 we were directed north anyway to the next bridge and then had to come south to hit 114 again,anyway go up past the track and do a u-turn at oone of the next exits.

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