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question for Nick


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If you send me round trip plane tickets from PMW to SAT I'd be glad to do the live updates... LOL


I've tried and tried to find someone who would be willing to team up with LSS to do the live updates, but so far, no takers. Must be the pay.



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Nick sorry I couldn't sent you gas money from Austin to Kyle. LOL Maybe something will work out it always helps to have hope in all things. Since friday is payday Joyce had to borrow money to get gas at 4 this morning to go to the VA hospitable in Temple where her brother-in-law passed away from lung cancer some of the old timers may remember him as he was an EMT on the ambulance service at old Longhorn his name was Gail Smith. RIP

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Nick, check your messages.




Sorry for the delay. The beach kept calling my name and I, of course, always obey when the beach calls my name.. LOL




Maybe I spoke too soon! Jim Nides is working on something that just might work out!



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