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85 Speedway Ennis

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cruiser heat dave vance #80

cruiser feature 1. dave vance #80 / 2. paul pelham #13 / 3. ethan redmon #53

4. frances chatterley #4 / 5. johnny ashton #3 / 6. clint oliver #05

7. brandon chapman #17 / 8. josh wylie #10


bomber heats wes milliorn jr #29 & rodger chaney #113

bomber feature 1. jr. mccall #7m / 2. we milliorn jr #29 / 3. mike self #7

4. mark dixon #33 / 5. kenny garrett #20g / 6. tim brewer #69 / 7. troy

richards #19 / 8. rodger chaney #113 / 9. randy corn #25 / 10. david fedrick #77


street stock heat rick harger #10m

street stock feature 1.rick harger #10m / 2.jackie heftie #11 / 3.chuck flannery #66

4.eva williams #13 / 5. wes milliorn sr #07 / 6. aron jones 66a / 7. kyle marshall #99


sport mod mid season championship feature

1.jeff turner #44 ( dq'd) / 2. bennie everhart #9 / 3. robert black #07

4.keith nolen #74 / 5. albert mccall #30 / 6. jeff mcdougall #88 / 7. justin

gonzalez #16 / 8. jason blazel #17 / 9. brian rowe #55x / 10. kevin manning #6


imca modifed mid season champioship feature

1. jeff long #401 / 2. charlie upchurch #214 / 3. jerry dickeson #56 / 4. leon mcbee #21

5. darrell hathcock #79r / 6. kevin long #7L / 7. brian nichols #60 / 8. robert parks #24

9. bobby madden jr #64 / 10 . dillon pike # 6*

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