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Hacker has attacked us at Shady Oaks

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I am very sorry to all that received an email from shady oaks that seemed out of character as we have been hacked and now he is sending NASTY emails to all on my list. We are working to catch this a--hole and please don't think these mails come from us. Most of you know me but some might not so please disregard anything that does not look right and we are working to find this guy!

Jim Scribellito


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I like Jim want to apologize for the horrible email that was recently sent out. We are working on finding out who did this. Thats one problem with FREE email accounts. They are easily hacked into and this is what happens afterwards.


Also our email address will be changing and the new email address will be sent out by me.


For those of you that would like to contact the track use the following temporary email to contact the track:



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