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Over the last few days SOS has been having to put up with an internet hacker. Jim has everything about to be moved for security purposes however it cant happen fast enough. Over the next couple days Jim is having this done so everyone be patient. Also the track hasnt been sold even though this nonuthaving Cowart is sending emails out saying it has. Also run and run far because Jim has stated when he finds you charges will be brought on you!

Edited by Danielsen Motorsports
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Over the last few days SOS has been having to put up with an internet hacker. Jim has everything about to be moved for security purposes however it cant happen fast enough. Over the next couple days Jim is having this done so everyone be patient. Also the track hasnt been sold even though this nonuthaving Cowart is sending emails out saying it has. Also run and run far because Jim has stated when he finds you charges will be brought on you!

You better believe it and we will catch this guy as they are always stupid people that do this kind of thing!Please disregard all out of character emails until we can get of our current site and find better security within safer servers,Jim Scribellito

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At this time please disregard ALL Shady Oaks emails once a free Yahoo account has been breeched it is almost impossible to get it back. I will be changing the track email so please be patient. I will email all addresses in the address book from my SECURE email and advise as to the new address.


We are looking into this very deeply as to who it may have been. Being there was sexual mentions and minors were included in the address list, we are taking this VERY seriously.



Thank You


Edited by SOS 175
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Oh boy, can I have some fun, can I can I please!!!!!!!!!!! Brian, do we have to talk! Who ever this numb skull is, They have broken several laws and ask minors on the email list for certain things that make it a federal felony.

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"Please disregard all out of character emails until we can get of our current site and find better security within safer servers,Jim Scribellito"


Jim as soon as Connie showed me the email I told her, that didnt come from you, its WAY out of character, and called Brian,even before the first post were made.So point being, those of us who know you are not offended in anyway as we knew that you would not say things like that. Also, if anyone has received and email from Jim with this trash on it, DO NOT send anything back as it may be a fishing technique.

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Oh. That wasnt the only hack of the day. My wife went to the food network to get some info, clicked on a link to watch a video of a new show coming out and it's a 1 minute hardcore porn. That was pretty funny. I might have to sue everybody for the mental anguish today. LOL



LOL :lol:

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coming from a minor i'm not sure if you should ask minors and get everything worked up about it.....it'll only make things worse...only if they bring it up should you then say something about it



2squad I have to agree with you on this one. As far as asking the minors, we did not ask any, we were waiting to here from them or the parents of them. Thank you for your reply.

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