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Shady Oaks announces new Director Of Competition

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What is the world coming to....? :P Well Brian, does this mean you will be more obnoxious than normal.... :lol:






Me be obnoxious? NEVER..... lol......No this won't go to my head. I figured i would help Jim so that he can focus on other aspects of the track.


Thanks for the comment LMR21.........you know we buddies :ph34r:

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I hope you two are buddies...





Yeah Nick, we are buddies as well as team mates. I have know him for quite awhile and nothing he says here is to be taken personal. I respect him for always voicing whats on his mind. I was raised the same way...........

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Yeah Nick, we are buddies as well as team mates. I have know him for quite awhile and nothing he says here is to be taken personal. I respect him for always voicing whats on his mind. I was raised the same way...........



You two please go get a room. LOL



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