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Annual Kids Bike Give-Away


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In just a little more than a week, it will be the much anticipated and heart-warming Annual Kids Bike Give-Away at Texana Raceway Park.


This event originated with the Texana Classic Dwarf club members many years ago. As time passed it picked up steam and has grown each year. In July, 2008, an incredible number of 63 bicycles were given away. That was truly a site to behold with all of the bikes liked up on the front straight.


This year, our Annual Kids Bike Give-Away will be held on July 18th. We bring all of the donated bikes out at intermission and tickets are drawn from any of the kids in attendance. Of course our goal would be to have enough bikes donated so every child in attendance on July 18th can walk away with a new bicycle. We haven’t gotten completely there yet, but sure had a lot of happy kids last year.


This is really something special and quite a phenomenon at Texana Raceway Park each year. You see a bicycle given away here or there at a track, but in all my years of running to tracks around the state, I’ve never seen anything quite like this with such an outpouring of generosity. It doesn’t have to only be the race teams donating a bicycle. It can be a fan, track staff, anyone. This is also great way to get your team and sponsors recognized by placing a sign or something of the like on the bicycle you donate.


Bicycles donated should be new, and all sizes are needed. You pick what size you want to donate. All are appreciated.


Sure would like to see this thread generate some interest and get some chatter. Of all the things we like to talk about on these forums, this is one that is really worthy of some talk!


Thx – Monty Chamberlain

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Well..... Here we go..... Just got word from Bruce, that the track itself is donating 12 bicycles. Wow! Thank you Bruce & Donna. Very cool!


How bout it. Let's here who else is in for this.

Edited by TRP
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That's a lot of bikes!


I have noticed that TRP has lots of kids running around the spectator area - gotta love those grassy slopes overlooking the track. I'm sure they are all wired for this one. Kinda like Christmas in July!



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Quick update for everyone. I've heard from several different folks and as best I can gauge, we are currently around 35 to 40 bikes just from the ones I 've heard from. There are many that I haven't talked directly with who will be bringing something.


Keep 'em rolling. Our goal still is to match or beat last years number. See you Saturday.

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We are bringing 7 bikes :D :D :D


2 bikes from D-A-M Services El Campo


2 bikes from RDs Auto Wharton


3 bikes from Plum Crazy Racing


Hopefully rain will stay away until after the races.


See you all at the track!!!!!


THANKS to D-A-M Services and RDs Auto for donating the bikes!!!!!

Edited by spc12
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This years total was 59 bicycles. And, I think we went thru the tickets in record time.


Thank you to each and every contributor to this wonderful event. There sure were a lot of excited and happy kids. For the the kids that didn't have a matching ticket this time, start focusing on next year. It'll be here before we know it.

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That is awesome.




Yep, an awful lot of happy kids. A real demonstration of the generosity and the size of the hearts of the teams/drivers, sponsors, and other donors that are all part of the Texana Family.

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