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Tams Houston 3/27


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Other than minimizing exposure to the sun there isn't really any difference in the pits. It's all hot, black asphalt. Since a large portion of the pit area is now devoted to the drag strip I am sure they will direct you to a certain area, just get one near a utility pole. Close to the concession is a good idea, the food is really good. Good luck this w/e. jp

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thanks. We are taking a totally cold car and engine down there. We had intended to go to shake it down in Austin but that all got weathered out twice. Our performance expectations are reasonably low but our "meet everyone, have a good time and get some seat time expectations" are sky high.

I don't care who you are or who you used to be, no one is going to just waltz in there and steal the purse from the experienced teams on the first go-round.

Are you going to CC? If so good luck!


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