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Last saturday lineups

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Just a question here. For the Limited feature last saturday night. The lineup was incorrect for the start for some reason. Victor pulled aside at the flag stand to straighten it out, I pulled up next to the 00 car and he wouldnt back down to let me into my correct spot and then apparently we were told to line up as we were like we entered the track which wasnt correct. Even the guy doing the lineup new it was worng and radio'd it in and told Victor that we would be getting into our correct positions once we got on the track.


What was the reasoning for this? I didnt care about not starting on the front row since I'm still new at dirt racing but it should have been corrected and needs to be addressed.

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In most cases the track isnt running past midnight or even close it. I am sure that is a huge deal with the neighbors and the staff, at that point, needed to get it in so no trouble would come from it. I can gurantee you Jim after reading your msg will see that attention in that area will be made. We started in the wrong position week 2 as points leader at the time and he corrected it week 3. I pm'ed him and he responded quickly, I was shocked that a promoter would answer back so fast and positive as well! So he has proven to fix errors they have made! Plus moving the night up an hour probably played a much bigger role in the night taking alot longer and cautions from all the newbies spinning out on perfect dryslick track! ;)

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I knew Jim reads these threads and he would see it. I dont know his screen name here so this was my option and I dont think the track phone gets answered during the week. I'm only assuming this of course as most track dont answer them. I'm not upset at all about it, so dont get me wrong. I just wanted to ask the question. I think Jim is doing a great job and I really like the track, the people and racing there. This is a minor thing for me. I also didnt think I could keep up with the top 2 cars for so long. At least until I spun out. :o LOL... Thats why I wasnt bothered by the mistake. I feel lucky to finish where I did. I also figured it was a timing issue to get the race going and get done. This isnt a gripe at all.


So everything is cool here. But being a new track owner I know he would appreciate the input and the observations of others. I also know that there are at least 3 of us that knew about this mistake and at least this way they also know it's been brought to Jims attention and he wont be asked the same thing several times. And I know Jim will take care of it. I've only just met him but he is very responsive to issues and seems to really want to run a good show for all of us. It's been a long time since I raced at a track like this with the way it's run, the people working there and all the drivers. It made racing fun again. So far. :)

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I knew Jim reads these threads and he would see it. I dont know his screen name here so this was my option and I dont think the track phone gets answered during the week. I'm only assuming this of course as most track dont answer them. I'm not upset at all about it, so dont get me wrong. I just wanted to ask the question. I think Jim is doing a great job and I really like the track, the people and racing there. This is a minor thing for me. I also didnt think I could keep up with the top 2 cars for so long. At least until I spun out. :o LOL... Thats why I wasnt bothered by the mistake. I feel lucky to finish where I did. I also figured it was a timing issue to get the race going and get done. This isnt a gripe at all.


So everything is cool here. But being a new track owner I know he would appreciate the input and the observations of others. I also know that there are at least 3 of us that knew about this mistake and at least this way they also know it's been brought to Jims attention and he wont be asked the same thing several times. And I know Jim will take care of it. I've only just met him but he is very responsive to issues and seems to really want to run a good show for all of us. It's been a long time since I raced at a track like this with the way it's run, the people working there and all the drivers. It made racing fun again. So far. :)

Hey Johnny, I don't take too many things harshly as I figured out along time ago you can't make everybody happy. The lineup was off by a spot here and there and we tried to fix it but were unable to before the flagman went green. Our new speednet made a last minute change on us and threw us off. It was 10 minutes till 1200 when the race started as DRY SLICK SLOWS EVERYTHING DOWN and we were running late. We will make the adjustments to see it does not happen again,mainly it WONT BE DRY SLICK again. Thank you for coming and I thought you did a great job. Next race free your car up because you will have to. Jim

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I actually went to the other side after the race to explain why I was trying to get the lineup changed, and holding up the race. The whole foul up came when your car number(27) was accidentally left off the feature line up sheet, so when you made light to the fact you wernt listed on the board they put you in, but it never got corrected on the paper copy which was what was radioed to the lineup guy. It was a simple mistake, we are all human....the only part that bothered me was the part about some people knowing they didn't belong in certain spots and took advantage the the error, knowing they were not in the right spot..now that shows me about character.

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Yea yea free up your car. I bet mother nature and that 102 degrees has a big say in it! ;):P LOL only messing with ya Jim! I know your busting ass and everyone just needs to accept the track when its drier then normal, big deal! Just like when its muddier then normal same difference.

Well the one thing I can say about any kind of racing surface, is everyone has the same track to run on.

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It's all good Jim. I forgot about the lineup issue with the new system. It added me later on and I can see where it was missed on the paper sheet. Not a problem. It does explain it. And next time please warn me about how you are setting up the track so I can setup accordingly. We'll keep this our little secret. :D


And it does show someones character when they know somethings wrong and take advantage of the situation.

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It's all good Jim. I forgot about the lineup issue with the new system. It added me later on and I can see where it was missed on the paper sheet. Not a problem. It does explain it. And next time please warn me about how you are setting up the track so I can setup accordingly. We'll keep this our little secret. :D


And it does show someones character when they know somethings wrong and take advantage of the situation.

In hind sight, had I realized it was so close to midnight I would not have held up the race trying to correct the error, I would have much rather had the extra laps to work with. I was just trying to do the right thing.

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I want to APOLOGIZE to all that had to deal with the new line up board while it acted up. I made a mistake with the software and once I had corrected the issue speednet decided it wanted to go another route. I am going to be at the track on Tues. to get the whole point issue as well as the lineup issues resolved. I have a phone conference with the head programmer to find out why the software did what it did. Again I am sorry for the problems you guys face and I will do my best to correct this.


i will also use the dry erase board for the next couple of race nights to ensure that the right information is making it to you.



Shady Oaks IT

Last Minute Racing

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