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Kyle practice


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I certainly wish I had answers for everyone, but I don't. It all depends on the weather. They were about to put the pavement down last week when the weather hit and it's been too wet ever since. At this point, the Saturday practice (March 20th) is still on, but you should keep checking in for any updates.


I know everyone needs the track time and I'm sure Brian and the construction crew are doing everything possible, but the last thing we need is to put the pavement down over a soft base and have the whole thing come apart during a race.


Sorry that I can't be more informative.


Nick Holt

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I certainly wish I had answers for everyone, but I don't.

Geez, Nick, why are you at THR if you can't provide some simple answers? :lol::lol::lol:


But you're right, Brian and the construction crew are at the mercy of Mother Nature. I talk to Brian just about every day and I can't tell you the frustration he and the crew feel with the goofy weather we've been having (they said on the news tonight that we're 5 inches AHEAD of normal rain fall - gee, like we needed it NOW!) :(:(


Keep your fingers crossed, gang...we'll get there! B)

(notice the sunglasses--that's an effort to bring out the SUN!) :D

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