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Races for 4-17-09


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I just got off the phone with Jim and he has said that the track has not gotten any "R" as of yet. They have been out there at the track getting everything ready for tomorrow as planned.


Tomorrow I will be posting every so often with updates on how everything is going.


As of right now, get your cars ready to race babe!!!





On a side note, keep your fingers crossed but by May 1st we should have our beer license.

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Jim called and everything is a go ahead for tonight. The track has not received any rain, just alittle drizzle this morning.

They are out there, watering the track right now. Everything is going as planned. Keep your fingers crossed!!!!!!!!!!!


I will be updating everyone again later on.

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Update: Jim called and yes the track did get some rain, but it was NOT enough to stop us just yet. The track is still dry.


Jim has said at 1:00, he will give me another update and at that time, he will make the decision on whether or not, we are going to race or not tonight.

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The storm is taking alittle longer to pass over than what Jim thought. We will have an answer for everyone when this storm passes. Right now, the middle to high groove is still dry.


I will continue to keep everyone updated.

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The storm is taking alittle longer to pass over than what Jim thought. We will have an answer for everyone when this storm passes. Right now, the middle to high groove is still dry.


I will continue to keep everyone updated.


I would like to start off with saying thank you and jim and any one else involved for not throwing up your hands and cancelling the races the minute the first drop fell. That would be very easy to do and we know you'll are trying to make it work. IF we get to race i know the track will be sloppy/soupy at best to start with, i understand this and hope all other racers do as well, with this being said, anyway we could start packing the track a little early to get it ironed in before it gets to late? We will need help of all cars to do this, if you don't like packing the track(and who does) than remember we could be at home watching T.V. This may all be for nothing, go around us "R"

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Sorry everyone but the races for tonight have been rainned out.


I have been watching the weather map. I have to say Jim d*** sure gave it the good old college try!

Unfortunately, not only is it raining there now, there looks to be heavier rains on the way.


Don in Austin

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