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How many of the imca mods are still running that can not run with the outlaw mods.Would like to know so we can look at putting something together for the guys that can not afford to run the outlaw mod.But would still like to run imca style modified.




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We have been talking about the IMCA saction.But i heard that the mods were all going outlaw.Doesn't make sense to be saction if there no imca legal cars in south or central texas.Thats why i posted to see how many were still out there.As you can see it is like the cat has there tongue lol...Talk to me, i am trying to make this work for you drivers.When you only have one or two responses kinded hard to push a saction track.No Imca saction cars to race then it is a waste of money.But if i knew i would get a full class we would be Imca saction.SPONSORS AND FANS WANT TO SEE RACING...... 5 to 6 CARS DOESN'T CUT IT!!!!!

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We have been talking about the IMCA saction.But i heard that the mods were all going outlaw.Doesn't make sense to be saction if there no imca legal cars in south or central texas.Thats why i posted to see how many were still out there.As you can see it is like the cat has there tongue lol...Talk to me, i am trying to make this work for you drivers.When you only have one or two responses kinded hard to push a saction track.No Imca saction cars to race then it is a waste of money.But if i knew i would get a full class we would be Imca saction.SPONSORS AND FANS WANT TO SEE RACING...... 5 to 6 CARS DOESN'T CUT IT!!!!!



Hey Andy did ya get my pm?

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maybe if you can run ,,,,,i don't know , like more then one consecutive season without leaving the fans and drivers wondering if you are still going to run races (even from night to night). IMCA will take your money , but this seems more like a commitment issue the track has.


don't mean this as an insult But from a fans point of view- me and my wife on more than a couple of occassions thought about coming out there to watch. ur contact #'s didn't work , people i talked to said they never knew when yall were racing,,,,,,,just kinda show up and hope you get lucky.

too much effort, if i want to watch dirt racing i'll go to killeen or i37.


if you are a new owner/operator this is not meant towards you or the establishment.......best of luck.

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if i want to watch dirt racing i'll go to killeen or i37


Watch at I-37 heck! You should get your crazy backside down there and race! :P Now that I'd love to watch.......


SP is right... I have on occasions thought about going up and watching, I too didn't know whether or not to make the trip? Best to ya'll this year!



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Yes I agree.Things have been a little screwy.Now the websight works schedule is up.contact #'s work so feel free to call me.As far as a commitment issue the track is opening for fans and drivers if the drivers don't come neither will the fans.I'm doing this because i love racing.I dang sure am not making any money lol....the racing at I-37 and Killen are very good shows.My hats off to them.And I talk To Cassie and Pat promoter of Killeen.On the phone several times.I am not in competition with them.I have done every thing in my power to make this thing work.For the drivers that are here and the fans.the imca was brought to my attention so i have been looking in to it Had a few drivers so i thought i would leave it up to the drivers.Stead just saying this is what we are running.Left it open for discussion.Now to clear the air all tracks have had there problems.I have been around racing all my life.I CAN NOT CHANGE THE PAST.SO LETS MOVE ON. :) AND FOR EVERYONE THAT THINKS THIS IS THE YANKEE WRONG...He doens't tell me what i say or think.Yes he does own the track but will not run the show.SO ME COMING DOWN THERE TO RACE LOL.......IS OUT OF THE ? LOL......lESS SOMEBODY LETS ME DRIVE A CAR.......THEN ILL BE THERE!!!!!!!!! Thankyou for the replies.


Andy Kirkland

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Andy if you gaurentee a good purse , not just 1st but the top ten lets say. No mater car count you will get cars. if you cut the purse do to lack of cars you are penalizing the ones that supported you.And your already are making the money from that you would have paid the ones not showing up. So make the rules however you want pay good and people will show up to race.

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Gotta have cars to pay good purses!!!!!That is why tracks don't pay big takes cars to make money.takes money to pay money.That is the bottom line.CARS=FANS =SPONSORS=MONEY.NOT HARD MATH.US TRACKS OPEN THE GATES BUT WE CAN NOT MAKE THE DRIVERS COME.THAT IS UP TO YOU DRIVERS.TO MAKE THE SHOW!!!!!!!

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let me start off this post by saying sorry. I work for AT&T mobility and watched the earth being moved as your track was being built. I would drive by going to Leaky or Rock Springs. I dated a girl for almost two years who lives in Kerrville and her parents owned one of the better Hotels and Restraunts there in Kerrville. Alot of their business was word of mouth from people who had stayed with them. I love racing and have traveled all over to watch racing. agreed the past is the past, i am just wanting to know moving forward that if ya'll are racing someone keep us posted. I'd love to come watch. I love that area of the state and it's an hour and fifteen minutes away.



Oh, it takes alot! The best to ya'll in 2009....


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LOL No apology needed creative critcism it is ok.LOL.I would love to see you here to watch some racing.yes moving forward I will keep everyone posted.I do the websight and will keep it updated.The best i can.Barring no major malfunction.lol.Sorry to all that is all i can say.Try my best to make it better.Just like you and every race fan,track owner/promoter,or sponsors they want to see cars.One day we will go back to having fun and racing lol!!!!!

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Andy, you already know that me and Bob will be there no matter what the money but other cars are not going to come that far for nothing. There are not any cars laying in the weeds to be brought out to race. There are 2 in Fredicksburg but they prefer SanAngelo at the moment. Most people have race cars because it is fun. The fun isn't there if it costs too much. Figure out how to reduce drivers cost is as good as paying a bigger purse. Fuel is the biggest cost, next is the entry fee. It takes about $80 each time plus fuel for the tow truck. If you tow 2 hours or more that is more than both the other 2.

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Do you know how much it costs to get a car race ready. And then add in tracel expenses. Not trying to get rich but most drivers have to try to break even with a chance of coming out ahead. Not a chance just losiing a little and most night lose alot.

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This particular argument has been ongoing ever since chariot racing days...


"Do you know how much it costs to feed a team of horses?" Verses, "Do you know how much it costs to build a Colosseum?"


The proverbial chicken and egg scenario is one of the very few constants in racing. If there are no cars, there is no show. If there is not track, there is no racing. Which is more important? Obviously, there are two answers and neither one is correct.


What we really need is someone with very deep pockets who is willing to invest a great deal of capital into infrastructure and fund years and years of red ink until the track breaks even (if ever). Those folks are very hard to find and very difficult to keep because of the enormous amount of pure horse crap they have to endure from all sides.


We racers are so focused on our racing habit that we often can't see things from the promoter's side. We just bitch and moan hoping someone will hear us and pay us what we believe we are worth whether that be in the form of purse money or a reduction in out of pocket expenses. All we know is we need money to keep the racing "fixes" coming and really don't care too much if the track makes any money or not. We just assume the track will always be there out of the kindness of someone's heart.


Promoters, on the other hand, tend to focus on the bottom line and rightfully so because a race track is a business whether we realize it or not. But to ignore the plight of racers and their need to keep their racing program going is always a risk. How many times have promoters heard, "I'm never coming back to this track unless...... " Way too many times and often all the racer was asking for was a chance to be heard.


We all need to wake up and smell the coffee. Owners and promoters as well as us racers. Pretty soon there will be no chickens and no eggs unless we all get on the same page and make this work for both sides.



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Some of us can just park our car in the garage. A lot of drivers have shown that their "fix" is not as great as some promoters beleive. My car stayed in the garage on the trailer all last year. I willl give it a try this year because gasoline cost has dropped not because of any purse increase.

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Some of us can just park our car in the garage. A lot of drivers have shown that their "fix" is not as great as some promoters beleive. My car stayed in the garage on the trailer all last year. I willl give it a try this year because gasoline cost has dropped not because of any purse increase.


I'm glad to read that you intend to run your car this season because I fail to see how parking a race car contributes in any way to solving the overall problem of low car counts and tracks trying to make ends meet.


Obviously, there are times when personal finances prevent us from racing, but why get on a public forum and moan and groan about low purses and high costs? It just adds to the negativity when positive thinking is really needed to get racing back on track.



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Lol Nick couldn' have said it any better.That is why i ask the drivers so they know I am listening.WE ALL HAVE TO WORK TOGETHER.Or Nick is right there won't be know tracks.I am trying to fix the whole picture here.I have talk to people that are way higher up in racing than we are.Nationwide managers ,nascar team members that are freinds of mine.Tracks that make it payout with the back gate, entry fees,sponsors.the front gate is profit that is what keeps the track going for you guys to race.TELL me Tony Stewart doesn't no what he is doing.So like I said cars make the show more cars bigger purses.And the owners and promoters have to get on the same page to.LISTEN TO THE DRIVERS ,DRIVERS LISTEN TO YOUR TRACKS.TEAM WORK THAT IS WHAT MAKES THINGS WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! none of us are going to get rich......lol..........Yes Randy I think IMCA would be the way to go if that is what the mods want.No sense in wasting money if there going all outlaw.Could use the money somewhere else.



MAN I sure opened up a can of worms...lol :)

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Trying to give you guys Another track to run.So to all you guys that are parked.I have been putting all this together free of charge.I doing it cause I love racing.WEBPAGE, LISTENING TO THE COMPLAINING,and GETTING THINGS ORGANIZED.PUTTING A SHOW TOGETHER IS A LOT OF WORK.But in the end hope we can all be freinds and make this thing work.

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MAN I sure opened up a can of worms...lol :)


NO ANDY, Big Mike up in round rock opened the can of worms.

First off, let me put in my disclaimer:

I don't have a dog in this fight, i have a sportsmod, they don't run at this track

I have never owned or been a promoter of a track and i don't have the desire to do so, I run a business 6 days a week and race to get away from the b.s.

This is just my opinion, take it for what it is.

1) Nick was correct, it is the chicken or egg scenerio. Andy was right, you have to have money to make money, MAC was right, if you build it they will come. But, as an owner of a business, i know well you either have to have deep pockets or good credit to get things going, you are not able to run week to week and expect success. If this is your plan, a suggest you step back and take a deep look at the situation and make sure this is what you want to do. You need the capital or backing to fund the project when things don't go well, this means either the cash in the bank or backing from some patient investors that are willing to look past the bad times looking towards the good/better times. The racers need to know what they are running for, I personally know i will never break even, I am a new driver with a new car, been out of racing for 15 years, so the purse means less to me than some, again, i do this for the fun of it. Never the less, the drivers need to know what is advertised will be there,regardless of the number of cars. If you have forty cars instead of twenty cars show up you don't pay twice the purse do you? This is when the deep pockets for the bad times come in play. Drivers talk, alot, look at all the forums, you do what you say, you run a quick and fair show and they will tell their friends for next week.

2)I don't know alot about computers but from what my wife tells me(she is quite smart, unlike me) is that a message or email in all caps is the equivilant of some one yelling at you, a post about do you know what it cost in all caps is only going to get everyone on edge, not win you any friends.

3) i would think that the imca rules are easier to promote, tech and advertise to get mods to your track, yes, the imca mods have declined in the south in the last year, but it goes back to if you build it they will come, i for one would love to have one, but 37 is not imca, so it does not make sense for me to have one imca sport mod and one outlaw mod. Maybe next year we may have two cars, if so we will run both in killeen on sat and we will see on friday. i know i was going to shadyoaks on sat because the rules are the same as imca untill they rained out, the fact they used the same rules would have goten at least one more car when my local track rained out.

4) Make sure you have everything in place for opening night. Have the place spotless, the painting done, the licenses in place.This is nothing against 37, but i think the profit margine on beer is bigger than anything else they sell. I have several friends that own restraunts and i have installed many septic systems at restraunts and liquor stores and the money making deal is the beer, opening without your major profit maker is not good.

5) try something a little different. $40.00 for driver entrance i understand. $25.00 for pits, i understand. How about kids and seniors in the pits for say $15.00? you would be the only track to do this. I have two kids and my dad that go to every race with me, if i have someone that can help me in the pits my dad stays in the stands to save the $15.00, twice a week. I only let one of my kids in the pits each night to save the other $15.00 or $20.00, twice a week. If you let these guys in at a cheaper rate, you make and additonal $5.00 on my dad and $10.00 on my kids each time you open. What has it cost you? Does the insurance go up because of the number of pit entries? Do they use more water, electricity, or in any way cost you more overhead, i am not sure but i think not.

This is only my 2cents, feel free to print this out and use the paper for what you feel needed (wiping or burning, your choice).

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after reading all this all this last night i had a thought today. since the track is going to run afternoons cause no light. how about have Sunday afternoon racing (IMCA sanctioned). heres why: all the south texas tracks run on Saturday night PLUS Abilene and San Anglo also run saturday night. Runing SUNDAY will be your best bet at getting a car count in modified and limited. As far as the stock car classes conbine the make just 2 classes of stock cars: pure stock and "what ever you wanna call the upper class" untill ya'll get more cars.


Just my two sents. see ya'll saturday

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