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Great N2K3 league looking for drivers


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The Western States Racing League (WSRL) is looking for a few good drivers.


This is a West Coast based league that is very well run and has a great driver lineup. The WSRL has been in continious operation since 1999! So it is a very established, very mature racing league. Most drivers are 30+ years old. Tuesday and Friday nights are the main racing nights, with some "bonus" racing on Sunday nights.


We have our own dedicated server, bought by the league, for use by the league. When not in use for a league race, the server has two practice servers running 24/7 with the upcoming Tuesday and Friday series tracks running on them. Any WSRL member has full use of the servers at all times.




Go there and check them out.


Also, the WSRL runs two "unofficial" or casual road racing leagues. Any member of the WSRL can participate in any of the Grand Prix Legands (GPL) or Trans Am races (the Trans Am league uses the TA mod for N2K3 by PWF). Both of the road racing leagues are "show up and drive" types, without points or a championship to worry about. Just good fun grinding through the gears with your friends.


All times are PST, but I find them very reasonable for me here in CST. New this year, pratice will open at 8PM CST and the race should flag off at about 9:45 PM CST. I find that the time is just perfect for me. (all times on the web site are Pacific time)


Check out the web site and then click on the "join" button on the menu. Or PM me for additional information. The league is in between seasons right now, so it is a great time to come try us out. We have several practice races sheduled, so you can run with us, before having to commit to a season.


Hope to see you on the track!


Bill "Sarge" Masom

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