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Texas Super Racing Series is Proud to announce

Guest Mary Ann Naumann

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Guest Mary Ann Naumann

As much as we hate to not have Chuck joining us back next season as our Series Announcer, all we can say is "Chuck, were gonna miss ya!" The Texas Super Racing Series wishes you the best!


Along with that, we are very proud to announce the joining of a very well known writer/reporter, Mr. Pat Mayberry as our Director of Media. Pat says "I'm looking forward to being a part of the TSRS team in 04"! Well, Pat we are so honored to have you on our team and we know with your media contacts and your racing knowledge you will be such an asset to The Texas Super Racing Series! By the way everyone, don't forget to pick up the May/June issue of the Late Model Racer Magazine. Pat has an incredible story being published!


It is also so exciting to announce our newest member an outstanding announcer, well known to the dirt track racing, Bill Masom. Sarge, as he is known in racing circles, has been involved in motorsports in a variety of ways for 10 years now. He has always been a huge race fan! He started by announcing at Texas Dirt Speedway in San Antonio in 1994.


What I liked most about my interview with Sarge was his enthusiasm and passion for auto racing. He brings a varied and diverse racing experience to The Texas Super Racing Series. He said while he can never claim to be a race car driver, he truly does love the sport of auto racing, and enjoys the challenge of passing on his knowledge, excitement, and energy to a grand stand full of race fans! He said he is looking forward to being a part of such a highly respected racing organization as the Texas Super Racing Series. Well, Sarge, we too are just as excited!

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Chuck? Chuck Who? LOL. Welcome aboard Sarge and Pat. Mary Ann seems to have a knack for finding good people. Looking forward to working with both of you this season.

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Good luck to Sarge and Pat in their new positions with TSRS. You guys have some big shoes to fill..LOL


p.s.--stay away from SVCMNGR1.... :P

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