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NasKarts Racing Series Membership

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Their has been a lot of time, effort and money invested by the founders of our NasKarts Racing Series over the last 4 years. The eveloution of the series, from its humble beginings has come a long way. We are now a well known and respected part of the Saturday night racing programs at the most prestigious Paved Oval Speedway's in Texas. We have developed rules that make the series competitive for everyone and have invested money to test varous motor modifications so that our motors are fast but still reliable while keeping the cost in check. All of this information has been passed along to the NasKart owners


The founders and board members have worked diligently to make sure we have a full schedule of racing for our NasKart Members. They have been in contact with the varous track officials to make sure we are on their race schedule. In addition advertising banners and sponsorship packages have been developed. All in an effort to grow the series and make sure all of the NasKart owners have a place to race.


When Iron Rock Raceway closed it's doors last October, we found a new location for our Shop and Headquarters. This has allowed us to stay together as a group. After having numerous meetings with all of the NasKart Owners it was agreed upon by the owners that a small membership fee would be implemented to offset the cost of our shop and headquarters.


Most of the NasKart Owners have stepped up and paid their dues in a timely manner. Unfortunatly their are a few who have not paid dues. This puts the burdon of paying the varous expenses associated with the NasKart Series, ( Shop, Utilities, phone, web site,etc.) on the sholders of the rest. The agreement was for all of the NasKart Owners, to begin paying dues of $60.00 per month starting in October 2008.


Please refer to the NasKart rules listed on our web site. under "Sponsored Races, Track Purses and fee's" It clearly states the membership fee' of $60.00 per month.


Please Note: We are making an amendment to this rule. If you are not a dues paying member, we will still allow you to race in the NasKart Racing Series.

The per race fee will increase for non members, to $100.00 per race instead of the member per race fee of $10.00. This will allow a NasKart Owners who does not wish to be a member to still race.


Any NasKart owner who does not have his dues paid in full from October 2008 through February 2009, by February 15th 2009 will not be eligible to race as a member for the 2009 season. Non Members will be allowed to race by paying the $100.00 entry fee for each race you would like to enter.


If you own a NasKart, and are not current on your $60.00 per mo membership dues by the The February 15th deadline. You will not be elegible to become a $60.00 per month dues paying member until the 2010 season.


To pay your dues before the February 15th deadline. Bring your check payable to "The NasKart Racing Series", to the NasKart Shop on any Thursday night. Their will be a number of the members there working on their NasKarts in preperation for the 2009 season. Or look at the post on this forum by the 07 asking where to send the membership dues.



NasKarts Racing Series


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