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NASCAR's call at the Rock


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I really like NASCAR's rule about not racing back to the yellow.. but something's not right about the way the Rockingham race ended up.


For one thing, how come nobody was one lap down? Anybody that wasn't on the lead lap at the finish was two laps down. or more. That seems mighty strange to me.


And why shouldn't Kenseth and Kahne have gone to the tail end of the lead lap after all the pit stops and tape reviews? If someone gets caught in the pits when the yellow comes out, they souldn't have the benefit of making a pit stop without losing any postions whatsoever. In my opinion, McMurray was the true winner of that race, not Kenseth.


The "frozen field" concept is good, it just needs to be tweaked so that who are in the pits when the yellow comes out don't get a free pass back to their former positions. They should go to the back of the lead lap after everybody has made their pit stops.


That's my .02 cents.. What' your opinion on this subject?


Nick Holt

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Nick, both Kenseth and Kahne did go to the end of the lead lap. Then the leaders pitted and they regained their spots. When the caution flew both were still on the lead lap and the field was frozen. There will be hiccups but hey that may be one of the reasons it took them so long before they changed the rules. I think NASCAR will throw in a rule saying you go to tail end of longest line or something for the future. Kenseth and Kahne were 1,2 because of the current rules. They played by them so why don't they deserve the finish they had? Reminds me of the Winston when Jeff Burton passed the start finish line coming out of his pit stall. They played by the rules. Kenseth and Kahne were kind of thrown into this mess and the rules just happened to work out in their favor.

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I didn't like the way the race ended up either, but I understand how it happened. I'm a J. Gordon fan, and I hate to see a team with a good car end up 2 laps down because of lady luck. At the end, I think there were 9 cars on the lead lap, the next car was 2 laps down because of pit sequence. I'm with Nick, it just doesn't seem right to let that happen.



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as long as nascar has a rule that calls for the field to'freeze' you are going to have problems that require judgement calls . if you think about it before several of the drivers forgot or don't know what a 'gentleman's agreement' is i can't remember a lot of people (fans or drivers) fussing about making up a lap when the yellow came out. it seemed to start when some drivers would only let a teammate or fellow brand driver that was close make the pass. just my opinion!! B)

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Ya know....


All of this talk about fairness and such reminds me of F1 a decade ago.


Back then they didn't do full course cautions, they relied on "local" yellows only. The rational was that safety car periods, as they are called, weren't fair to the leader of the race. It wasn't fair to the leader to have the gap between him and second place artificially shrunk, just because of an unsafe condition on the track. So they persisted way to long in not having caution periods at all.


Then when they finally decided to do safety cars, they would then run the race on aggregate time. Meaning they froze the gaps at that point in time. So if the leader was ahead by 15 seconds before the safety car, when they restarted the race, he was still 15 seconds ahead. To win the driver in second not only had to pass the leader, but then finish 15.1 seconds. If he was only 14.9 seconds ahead, the driver crossing the line second would actually win.


They finally did away with that stupidity, thank God. But it was all in the name of fairness. Though there are still some European series that do aggregate time. :rolleyes:


Look it, life ain't fair. Never has been, never will be. Someone always wins, and someone always loses. Was it fair to Carl Long what happened to him?


The winners won. It was legit, it was legal, it was 100% by the book. It was fair because everyone else was subject to the same rules.


Bill "Sarge" Masom

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This is similar to what happened at the Winston where a cars pit stall position relative to the start/finish line made a difference in the letter of the law but is not what the spirit of the law had in mind. Their pit positions yesterday were "past" the start/finish line and that's where the story starts. I think the pits should have no standing relative to the start/finish line. If the car is totally over the commit line and not totally over the "end" line when the yellow comes out, you are "in the pits". Cars "in the pits" are at the end of the lead lap AFTER everyone else has pitted. This may be hard to achieve in a GPS based system.

In my opinion, it can never be in your favor to be in the pits when the yellow comes out.


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I remember a race from way back then when Shumy ran that Ford powered F1 car and I believe he was going for a win with that time scale. I think David Coultard ended up winning it barely but the guys were so far from each other. Didn't understand why until now. Thanks Sarge! I used to wake up early back when I was young so I could watch them F1 races on FSN.



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i figure to get rid of the all th cars being two laps down, give a lucky dog pass for the two lap down guys, the three lap down guys and so on. there have been people in the past to come form two laps down to win a race. the guys who are two laps down or worse are sctually getting scrwed by not getting a pass. i nthe old rules a two lap down guy could geta lap back then later on get the other lap back and be back on the lead lap. so that what they should do about the lucky dog pass. i liek the rule but there needs to bea minor but big change.

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JMO but I do not see why a car that happens to be in the pits should have ever been penalized by going a lap down when a caution comes out. How are they suppose to know when a caution is going to come out? This is suppose to be a race, not a game of luck. I do agree with the way it was handled this weekend. Again, JMO.

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It doesn't matter how good your car is during the race, Only the last lap matters. As far as the call goes, I thought that it was a good call. This not racing back to the caution thing has to be consistent, or it will never work. The field was frozen when the caution came out, and they were ahead of McMurray. I thought it was a good race with a great finish...just my 02 cents


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Good call or Bad call?

I think they made the right call, but I understand why some don't like it.


Just hope we all had our vcr's a running. The Rock has given us some great finishes but is probably on its farewell tour also.


I do understand the reasons why Nascar must move the date to another area.... 50,000 tickets vs. 150,000. Only make cents uhh dollars.


Hope they still run the Busch and trucks there.



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