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xbox 360 used to prove a point


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I am working on a program to teach new young and old drivers how to regain control of their automobile. While working on the teaching program,I noticed that XBOX 360 in the driver view mode I could make the automobile loose and regain control with tricks that I learned in my short racing career. Please ask your teen if you can use their XBOX and racing game to see if any of your tricks to regain control. This could be one of the best ways to save lifes

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There's too much it can't happen to us and by the time they realize, it's too late.. Hope your doing well bro. Haven't heard from you in a while.

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The insurance company settled with our lawyer for wrongful death, With this I purchaced a 2006 Dodge magnum, 37" flat screen, gaming chair and steering wheel with foot controls. I have installed all equipment in the backpart of the magnum. Please pm me and if you are within 100 miles of San Antonio and I will bring my portable Passenger Awareness Program to you at no cost to you, all I am asking is a little of your time. Way to many passenger are being killed and its time the expercenced drivers start talking.!!!!!!!! WE CAN FEEL THE FORCE and know how to use it.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! G-FORCE !!!!!!! it can be your friend

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