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Do it now


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Right about now is the right time to let your local newspaper sports editors know that you would like to see some coverage of local short track racing this season. All you have to do is compose a short email explaining that you are a motorsports fan/driver/team member/sponsor, or whatever, and that you would like to see the sport covered in their paper.


Here are the email addresses I have for the three papers that I normally deal with:


San Antonio Express-News = sports@express-news.net

Austin American-Statesman = sports@statesman.com

Corpus Christi Caller-Times = ctsports@caller.com


I am sorry that I do not have the Houston paper's email address. Maybe someone from the Houston area can provide that information for us.


Send that Email now while you're thinking about it.


Nick Holt

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Allow me, Nick...


houston chronicle--online@chron.com


That address will do the job, just make sure it's addressed to "Sports Editor"....



And I join Nick in encouraging EVERYONE to do this--now, and later, and later--the more consistent and the more you bombard the sports editors with emails (politely so, of course)....the more you'll get accomplished..


Thank you to those who do it, and let us know if you do! :D

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hey guys/ and girls....took me 36 minutes to compose a letter and email it to everyone... If we all did our weekend homework and send these out, who knows one of us might get to give an interview at the track....I think these people only write about what THEY think the public wants to read. It will be up to us to tell them what WE want to read.



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