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Question For Nick


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I am talking to Chris Doelle at BigDog Productions in San Marcos about this very thing. Lots of production expenses involved in doing it right, but that's the only way I'd do it. And BigDog does nothing but high quality work.


In the meantime, I would be willing to do a CC area suspension seminar this winter if there were 15 people wanting to attend.



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Nope, not free. The course is either five-weeks or six weeks long. Usually I hold it on a week night, like Tuesday from 7:00 p.m. until 10:00 p.m. If I did the whole course in one or two sessions people would fry. There is just too much information to digest and people "fuzz out" after a couple of hours. This suspension stuff is not as easy as it first appears. One suggestion I always get on my seminar evaluations is that the course is not long enough.


Frankly, I have had no plans to do a CC area seminar, but if enough folks want to attend, I'm game.



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I have had two or thee guys from the CC Speedway and three or four from STS asking about doing a full six week seminar in CC in early 2011.


The classes would be held on Tuesday evenings from 7 p.m. until 10 p.m. from early January through late February.


As I have said in the past, I am perfectly willing to come to CC to do this, but I need at least 15 people to sign up to stay married. Let me know if you are interested.



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Nope, not free. The course is either five-weeks or six weeks long. Usually I hold it on a week night, like Tuesday from 7:00 p.m. until 10:00 p.m. If I did the whole course in one or two sessions people would fry. There is just too much information to digest and people "fuzz out" after a couple of hours. This suspension stuff is not as easy as it first appears. One suggestion I always get on my seminar evaluations is that the course is not long enough.


Frankly, I have had no plans to do a CC area seminar, but if enough folks want to attend, I'm game.






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Nick really knows his stuff. Its a great tool. Learning all about where your roll axis effects the left seat belt and how to adjust the A.D.D. that the car has and... oooooohhhhh look, bright shiny thing! Oh my bad, where was I? Hows everybody doing?






Hey Nick, cant wait for this weeks class, when is it again?

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In my business I use Webinars all the time. The material presented is very technical (medical). We do them live, and use the record option so a viewer can go back and review at anytime. This allows those that can't attend live to attend remotely. The remote viewers can ask questions just as if they were there (unless they're looking at the recorded version). The cost to us is low and we can charge for the password to enter.

If you haven't already, you might want to look into it. There are several products available - just google "webinar software".


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We are definitely looking at that even though I'm not really 100% comfortable with it.


And here's why.


I keep the class size down as best I can to around 10-12 students so I can get individual, real-time feedback from every student. When someone's eyes glaze over and they start scratching their head, I know that person is either getting really sleepy or not getting the concept I am presenting at the time. And since this material is not "trick of the week stuff" and gets into theoretical stuff that no mechanic can put a wrench on, a good many students frequently need some additional clarification along the way.


With a webinar, I can't see what's going on at the other end of the communication connection. And some won't raise their hand to ask a question out of fear of looking dumb, so it's even more important for me to be totally aware of the non-verbal feedback I'm getting from my students.


The scoffers won't believe this, but the other consideration is that I do not do the seminars for the money. I do them because I get a huge kick out of helping racers and helping racing. Yes, I do charge money because if I don't, people don't think the info is "valuable" and folks tend to miss classes. I charge enough so it "hurts" a bit. That way they don't miss sessions and pay attention in class to "get their money's worth."


Duke O'Connor and I have talked about the webinar a bit and at some point we may actually do it in spite of the drawback. The other option is to do "one-on-one" tutoring via Skype or a similar technology.



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Count me in for the online seminar. 7pm-10pm 120 miles away on a week night is more than I can swing.

I know what you mean, Waco Racer. I travel 232 miles each way to HMP and back. I usually leave home around 1 p.m. to make sure I hit Houston rush hour traffic at its worst. LOL. And I usually don't get packed up after class until 10:45 p.m. and drive 3 hours and 40 minutes to get home. Then, of course, I have to baby sit the forums for an hour or two, so I usually don't get to bed until 4 or 5 am.


I'm getting too old for those sort of hours, but it's all worth it when I see the guys and gals who went to class put the stuff they learned into their cars and do well. And the vast majority of people who attend the seminar and actually learn what is being taught will tell you that the class is worth far more than what I charge and well worth the extra effort needed to attend all six of the sessions. Lots of folks attend the seminar more than once - a few have even attended multiple times. Of course, the third seminar is free.



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I almost signed up one time when I was working in the Temple/Belton area. It wouldn't have been too bad for me to stay in a motel for one night then just drive back to work the next morning. But, I got "volunteered" to coach my daughter's basketball team. Every time you post about a class opportunity I really look at my schedule to see if I can make it. I know I will be in attendance one day soon.

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