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Racing Etiquette Question


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In my last race a couple weeks aco something happened that I would like another opinion on.


A good friend of mine told me during the heat race that i was too passive. He said i was just watching the race from the drivers seat and not racing. So in the feature, I was a little more aggresive. Which resulted in a spin out on lap 1. A few poeple got upset with me, their argument being "You can't win the race in the 1st lap". I saw an opening early and tried to take advantage of it.


The track recently cut our laps down to 25, a little more than half of what I am used to. My class is running 17 second laps. The way I see it, I have seven minutes to make it to the front before the race is over. I feel that warrants at least being a little agressive.


I'm not trying to offend anyone, just wanting to see what everyone thinks.


Thanks for your input

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time tables suck, they have no business in racing for that very reason.

+ you spent countless hours of the week getting your car ready to go race and some guy puts a time limit on you?

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I know the event that your talking about as I was watching from the stands and saw the incident with you and Janette. Here is my opinion as a driver watching the incident.


1. you were in the infield working on the car while the rest of the field was doing their hot laps. Result was that they had heat in their tires and you didn't.


2. Going into turn 1 you got on the outside of Janette on a colder portion of the track with colder tires which equals no grip.


As porkchop said you need to race hard every lap but you also need to not put yourself in a position where you know your car won't stick. If you ever go out to the track on Friday nights and watch the Huff cars practice, they practice running side by side and switch off running the inside and the outside groove. Most cars go out and practice running the inside groove so that when you get put on the outside it's unknown territory.


Please don't take this that I'm being a critic. I think you did what you thought you had to do and I commend you for that. Just remember to not put your car anywhere that you haven't practiced putting it there.

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