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Del Harris

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i'm not sure if anyone has ever thank texas speedzone for having a " featured story " before, but, i would just like to say " thank you " for this because, not only do i get to see this, but my sponsors, family, friends, and most of all, my fans. i tell people all the time to get on txsz and read the forum, if nothing else, join in and have a chat with some of the drivers out there. i can tell my sponsors what i'm doing at the races if they can't show up, but it is better when i can get them on the site and show them, it get's exciting and they love seeing it, again, a big thanks to " TEXAS SPEEDZONE " FOR A JOB WELL DONE!!!

del harris / pro2000racing ;)

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Hey del,

What fan's? Your family comes to the races, I don't think they count...... Just messin wit ya bud, that was a great race you guys put on last race. It was fun to watch from the stands. I had to give James a hard time for his show during open practice of seeing how far he could get that car to hang out there. He looked like he was remembering the ol' dirt tracks.


See you on the 5th.

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