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Casey set Fast Time beating the rest of the field by over 2/10th


Top 6 drew for positions - Casey drew #3 - Chris drew the pole



Casey took the lead On lap 20 from Wayne Anderson and never looked back - Brings home the Win and the $5,000.00 pay check


Casey Smith

Grant Enfinger

Wayne Anderson

Bubba Pollard

Chris Davidson

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Could not be there to see it, but congratulations Casey. You still rule the tracks in Alabama. Sounds like you had a speeding bullet. Just wish someone would recognize how good you are and give you a shot at the big time.

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The promotor of South Alabama better post a big bounty on this Kid because he has stunk up his show - I have talked to several racers that say they won't run over there because they ain't running second and nobody can beat him at this track.

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Congratulations to Casey! And Chris did a nice job with his top-five. I was reading the 51 short track draft and it mentions how Casey has dominated in the deep south and needs to hit some of the other big shows - heck if I had those tracks figured out like he does and had the opportunity to pick up a $5,000.00 pay check on 1 set of tires pencil me in for that event.

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What is a bounty??


What they mean by that is they will pay an amount of money to anyone who can beat Casey.


There are usually stipulations, like he has to be running at the end with no performance inhibiting damage.

That keeps anyone from deliberately taking him out. They havr to beat him fair and square to get the bounty money. If you talk to Glen Schwabe, ask him about a bounty; he had one on him back in the 70's.


I have talked to several racers that say they won't run over there because they ain't running second and nobody can beat him at this track.


Maybe this will entice those racers to do their homework and try to get faster so they can beat Casey, instead of sitting home complaining they can't run with him.

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Depends on the track, but sometimes they roll it over to the next race, and even add to it. You would have to ask the guy at Opp what his plan is.

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How is this? right off the South Alabama's website


"Casey was only .144 off the track record that was set in 1999 on soaked Hoosier 2045's"


I thought soaked tires were alot FASTER how is he running close to the same time on unsoaked tires?

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thought soaked tires were alot FASTER how is he running close to the same time on unsoaked tires?


Besides the setup Casey has for that track, I think I would attribute some of it to the pavement put down a couple years ago.

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Tom you are so nice to answer on this forum, I still do not understand the extra money deal - John Dykes gives the winner of every race $5,000.00 - is he adding to the purse for everyone but if Casey wins he only gets the original amount? I would think his pay day would intise a huge field of cars. Sorry I am not understanding

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Usually after three tries if the other racers cannot beat Casey, he gets the bounty money. I do not know if this is what John Dykes has in mind, but that is the way it is done most places. The only way Casey loses at Opp or MIS is if he has mechanical problems or someone takes him out. Now if he could just get FFs wired like he has these other tracks. Congratulations to Chris on a good finish at Opp. Gregg and Chris are also favorites of mine.

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