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Supporting your local track


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I am posting this because John brought this up in the HMP drivers meeting and it is important.He has worked his tail off starting at the end of last season to promote HMP and has done a great job.The fans are there,I don't know the exact numbers but I do know the bleachers were packed last race.The car count however(at least in the modifieds and LMs)were down.I asked around and some had scheduling conflicts while others had tore up racars from the first two races.HMP is doing all they can,they have got the purse back up,butts in the bleachers and they listen to the drivers and make changes if it's what the majority wants and is possible.Everyone needs to support their local track before there is no local track to support.One question that came up in Saturdays drivers meeting was about reinstating the "all involved rule".I personally hate it,but if it is the only thing that will force drivers to extend a little proffesional courtesy to their competition and keep the cars from getting destroyed then it may be neccesairy.I know the fans love to see wrecks,but these cars cost to much money and mainly TIME to fix.If the drivers would just use the give and take mentality(at least for the first 75% of the race)things would be alot better.You can't win unless you cross the finish line and it seems alot of drivers forget that one small fact.So lets all show up when we can at the local track and put on the best show possible WITHOUT tearing up the cars so we don't have to go back to the dark age of "ALL INVOLVED"!!!!!! :)

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Well looking at it from a track owners perspective all they want is fans and car count.Sarah made it clear that this is not what they(HMP)wanted to do because when a driver is on the bad end of the "all involved" deal their not happy campers.To get the calls right it may be as easy as mounting a camera in the press box.If noone on the staff seen what happened go to the camera,if still not sure then maybe the "all involved" rule should take effect.Nothing is worse than a caution to come out and noone goes to the back of the pack.Someone caused it and should be penalized.

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Well, I have been doing all I can to support the track, and I will continue to do so. Landlord, I have another car that needs to be put together, you wanna drive it? Just need to get a motor for it!!! I should have the money to fix my old motor in a couple of weeks. That will get one more car in our class. And if anyone has an extra mod, I would love to drove it!!! For the good of the class to build car count, of course!!! :D:D


As for the all involved, I don't think it should be used unless you cannot point blame at someone. Anytime there is a caution. someone needs to go to the back. The calls won't always be right, like mine this weekend, but someone needs to go to the rear.

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the all invoved rule is used by tps ..it works both ways and not always to the best interest to a driver ..but it makes some think before they run over someone ..but it only needs to be used when no other way to decide can be done .and even that isnt always the best salution ..bottom line is .the drivers need to be more carefull at what they do .. i look at it this way .95.9 percent of someone being spun is the car behind .... if your car is fast enough to hit them in the turns .then it should be fast enough to go around ..if not then to bad .you lose ..ofcource if yourr or thiers isnt up to speed and they are just mirror driveing and know they arent fast enough .then they should not get mad when you move them ..i use to drive and would give the faster car some racen room .and if he was fast enough to pass me then go for it ...

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All the old timers on here can remember racing under the all-involved rule,; it was the norm in past decades.

And yes, the drivers griped if they thought they got the short end in a racing incident. But they didn't get pissy and take their car and go home pouting about it; they showed up the next week, and tried to race cleaner.


I don't particularly care for it, but in my experience, the all involved works for or against you in a 50/50 split.


It is still better than relying on calls made in a split second, and it can help the racing if certain drivers know if they horn someone, they will earn the chance to do it a whole lot more from the back..


It also cuts out the subjectivity or partiality than can occur when an individual makes a call against a driver, and I will let you decide for yourself what I mean by that.

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