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Gimme the race report!?

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Well...WOW...where do i begin?!?!?!? at the beginning of course!!! lol




1. #14 Travis Roberts 50.7

2. #1 Driskill Stallworth 50.8

3. #71 Mike Steinman 51.2

4. #8 Steven Pepper 52.3

5. #20 Scott Arthurs (Smitty) 52.5

6. #07 Megan Smith 52.6

7. #10 Brian Kuemple 52.8

8. #9 JM Skaggs 53.5

9. #29 Kevin Hummell 53.7

10. #42 Daniel (Robert) 54.6

11. #36? Alan 1:00


this is not official....as i ma trying to go off memory...but very close.


no drama in qualifying......BUT



in the pre-main


The race started off with driskill getting out front thru the 1st 2 turns as pepper had a great start followed thru with driskill then just behind was travis then Mike. by turn 4 mike was up to third with travis on his bumper and pepper in 2nd and driskoll leading. this was the order until after the first lap.....travis got by mike between 3 and 4 and then they both with the 20 in tow....drafted past the 8 of pepper into the the fast left and into the 180's....at the line driskill had about a 5 to 6 kart lead with travis 2nd and mike 3rd...scott in the 20 was 4th and pepper 5th. By lap 4... 2nd and 3rd had run down the leader driskill. 4th was only a few karts away....the lead then swapped between travis and driskill going thru the 180's to turn 1...in turn 1...driskill went a little wide and mike went thru to 2nd with driskill on his bumper and the 20 just watching the show waiting for his chance to move up.....on lap 7 going down back stretch...driskill drafts with mike past travis going into the fast left hander into the 180's.....mike now has the lead with driskill, travis and scott in a four car battle for the lead. coming to the white flag driskill passes mike just before the white flag at the line....then turns right on the straight and puts mikes nose into the barriers...and travis slips by....going into 1 driskill again slides a lil high and mike bumps travis into 1 and past driskill on the inside...holding driskill inside and going to turn 2-3 mike returns the favor to driskill and pushes thru him back into 2nd.

this allows the 20 kart to pass driskill as well....on the back stretch mike drafts up to travis but cant make the pass in the 180s...driskill pass the 20 down back straight. the order at the line is




1. #14 Travis Roberts

2. #71 Mike Steinman

3. #1 Driskill Stallworth

4. #20 Scott Arthurs (Smitty)

5. #07 Megan Smith

6. #10 Brian Kuemple

7. #9 JM Skaggs #10 Brian Kuemple

8. #29 Kevin Hummell

9. #42 Daniel (Robert)

10. #36? Alan

11. #8 Steven Pepper


i think.... lol so now to the main....where all the drama is!!!


wait...will reply on that in a little while...stay tuned!! lol

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