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March of Dimes


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Hello Race Fans!!!


Like everyone I am seeking sponsorship, but of a different kind!!! I will be completing a 5k walk for March of Dime on April 27th, and am attempting to reach my sponsorship goal of $1000. For those of you who are not aware March of Dimes is an organization that conducts research regarding the causes of premature births, creates awareness about premature birth etc... This cause is very important to me because 7 years ago my cousin Cheyenne, who many of you have met at the race track was born only 23 weeks along, she weighed 1lb 3 ounces. She spent 6 months in Setons NICU and has 30% brain damage caused from a laser eye surgery that was done when she was only a few months old. She is doing great now, happy as can be and a true blessing to my family. If anyone would like to sponsor me for this walk you may do so on the link below via check or credit card. If you would like to mail donations please do so to


Amanda Neer

cc: Allstate Insurance Company

4920 Westway Park Blvd

Houston Tx 77041


I appreciate the kindness and look forward to seeing everyone during the upcoming race season! Good Luck to everyone who is racing saturday!!


<a href="http://www.marchforbabies.org/personal_page.asp?w=11016086&u=amandaneer&bt=2"><img src="http://www.marchforbabies.org/getsig/11016086a.jpg" border=0 /></a>



Thank you all

Amanda Neer

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Hello everyone!

It was brought to my attention that the link below is no good. If anyone is in interested in donating to the March of Dimes, it doesn't have to be big, even $5 will help bring awareness to premature births. Here is a good link....


Good Luck in Kyle this weekend everyone



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