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Driver Web Pages


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As mentioned at the drivers meeting on Saturday night, we're offering the opportunity for drivers to post a web page within the Texana Raceway Park web site. This is an opportunity for the drivers to post two pictures, a driver bio, pit crew, sponsors, and other information...


This is an excellent opportunity to connect with the fans, and an excellent opportunity for the team to get their sponsors recognition on the web. The Texana Raceway Park web site receives approximately 1,500 hits per month (many more during race season and a little less during the off-season) and has proven to be a tremendous resource to get the word out to the world about racing at Texana. You can take this opportunity to benefit from the activity on the site as well and the activity will grow as driver web pages are added. We'll add a button on the front page of the Texana site for easy navigation to the initial driver profile area.


There is a one time charge for the season of $30 to cover the programmer cost and data entry cost. Once posted, the information will remain for the entire 2008 season. The one time investment will pay divends to your team.


Also, as mentioned at the drivers meeting, we'll need a minimum of 10 drivers to kick this off. And, as of this writing we have 6, so this will be a go. I anticipate we'll have the initial 10 by weeks end and get it uploaded before the next event. So, jump on board and be one of the first to go live on the web!


I've attached the template in Word format that you can populate. For the two photos, electronic transmission is best, but if you only have the hard copies, we can scan those. You choose how much information to provide, because this is your page. If questions, let me know.


Thx - Monty


Edited by TRP
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Thanks Monty, you can count me in.


Gotcha. I have your email address and will send you the template so you can start working on your text.

Now, don't deny your daughter the opportunity to have a page also. So, do I have you down for one or two pages? :P

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Picked up another one today. This is really gonna be nice to have the drivers up and live. Keep 'em coming. We'll try to have the first ones up live hopefully before the end of this weekend so you can get a taste for how it will appear.

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