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hey mike on the thunderstox line-up sat. if u r a new car would u start on the back in the feature race or on the front? i thought we had an inverted field thats what u told us the first night of racing so the altus cars should had started on the rear. 36,21, should have been on the front. call me if u would. matt ohm thanks.

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Matt, you should know that we should all be grateful when the Altus cars come down to race with us, and that we should treat them with the same level of respect that they show us when we go up there, and furthermore I propose that we should always let them start at the front whenever they come down. Remember, the most important thing is we should just be glad that we have a place to race. :lol: J/K matt, we'll see you soon.

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Well, here we go again....


I assumed the original post was a legitimate question, but it seems to have become a springboard for negativity.


We all know that nobody is going to be 100% happy 100% of the time with how any racing organization is run. There's no way a track or sanctioning body (or website moderator) can please everyone. But how about taking the dissatisfaction directly to the source of the dissatisfaction instead of getting on here and making an issue out of the fact that you're upset with the track?


And matt0043, yes, we should be grateful that someone has stood up and provided a place for us to race. By making fun of those who are putting their resouces on the line to promote stock car racing in our part of the world, you really become part of the problem instead of part of the solution.


And no, legitimate problems should not be swept under the rug, but there are better ways of handling them than getting on a public website...



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Matt ,


I agree you are totally correct and I apologize for the mistake. I just reviewed the lineups and the track is 100% at fault. I can not change it now but I will tell you the lineup was wrong. The computer lined the cars up off of the heats ? The Hornets and Trucks are lined up off of the heat results. The system then pulled your lineup and lined you guys up the same way. I do apologize and I am correcting it at this time. I am just asking not trying to get anyone mad but did anyone inform the pit steward when lineups where posted ? If you guys have any questions on line up at anytime please let Hank or Fred know. Fred handles lineup and he will let me know if you have any questions. The night had some bumps in it and we will try to make it smoother this week.




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Calm down, I was joking with sarcastic undertones, but I not anything negative about the wichita track. I wasn't even there, I was just giving Matt a little ribbing. :D


now my car looks like ur oid blue car it has the foil look :(:(


how did yall do last week?

Edited by matt0043
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Those guys at Bristol are CRAZY!!!!!!!! The guys that needed practice the most didn't get any because of the weather and were completely out of control. We had a motor problem of some sort and we almost made it to halfway. They ended up calling the race at halfway because it started raining again. We started 39th and moved to about 20th before we had problems. It was disappointing but we had fun and we didn't tear the car up. I think it will make me a good thunderstocker. We'll see yall in a few weeks after we get rested up and I get caught up on the "Honey Do" list. Later :ph34r:

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